Nightmare or Miscommunication with Azebella Amor - Your inputs Please.

I have debated on this long and hard. Especially knowing that I am about to present a complaint about a very Popular ( I gather) Provider. Debating myself comes from the way I have seen other gents get treated on here when they do report their sides of the story.

I hardly ever post on here, but I do follow the trends and boards. I am more of a kisser and no teller type, but I do respect the opinions of everyone. I had initially wanted to just cut my losses, delete my account, and get out of the hobby. But then a nice Mod asked me to post my side of the story. I wish she was not banned so she could come and maybe finally give her side of the story I am about to tell. Because, keep in mind, understanding what happened is all I seek. With that being said, I begin.

I do confess that I have tried to see her twice in the past before but ended up cancelling due to the very busy nature of my job, which requires I be on call most times. This time I did give her a heads up and apologized and promised to make it up to her. The second time I cancelled because of I had very sad news about my son's health that day. He had been diagnosed with a Genetic disease that will affect him the rest of his life, and possibly lead to death. I could not make it to go hump away after getting such bad news. And I do admit I was in the wrong for not responding to her messages to find out about the meetings. At such times, the hobby is the last thing on your mind.

After finally coming off months of depression and learning to live with this new reality, I felt I had to make it up to her and owed her an explanation as I deem everyone should be treated with respect, especially their time. But alas, she had been banned. So I reached out to her on her GMail address posted on these boards.

I reached out to her telling her I wish to keep my promise and to explain why I went silent on the last attempt to see her. She was sympathetic, but insisted that she could not risk seeing me again as I had cancelled twice already. That if I were to see her, I had to put down some deposit via Paypal. A term I considered fair enough, as my goal was to prove that I was no time waster. At this point she does respond to my emails as soon as she gets them.

So yesterday Morning, I sent her the Payment for 1 hour session she advertises on ECCIE. And she thanked me for it and sent me her number in the email alongside a screenshot of her P411 page showing her hour session was more on there. I had no objections as this was supposed to be a deposit with the rest to come, and the extra I promised for the last sessions to be paid after meeting her.

The next part of this tale is where things got bizarre. I promptly contacted her via her mobile number to find out about meeting time and address. No response to call or text. After an hour I reached out to her again via email and told her to contact me on either of my Cell numbers, Work (included as signature in the email correspondences )and Personal ( from which I sent a text and which I provided at the beginning of the email for her to track our chat history). After another hour of waiting, she sends me an email and says to please contact her by Text as it would be faster. I then replied to the email informing her that I just did, twice by texting her. At this point, still not response on my cell phone. So I texted her again asking if a 4pm meeting was possible, and the response to that was "Hello this is Azebella". To which I said hello, will 4pm be ideal and where would you love to meet? I get total silence. Then a response later "informing me that she is still waiting on a response from me to find out if we are still meeting".I figured she must not be getting my messages or something. So I reached out to her from my Work cell phone ( which is in my signature). I told her to please contact me on my work cell phone if she is experiencing delays from my other phone. I send a text to and from both my numbers to test delays and they came through cleanly. But each time she sent me a text, she kept asking me to please let her know if we are still meeting. My conclusion was that there was a severe case of missing messages or messages not going through.

I then switched to calling her from my my cell phones, and got voicemail. So I went back to emailing her informing her that she seems to not be getting my messages, as I might not be getting hers as well. She responded to the email stating that I am calling her from too many numbers, texting her from too many numbers, and sending too many emails. However, all my emails were chronological. I waited for a response each time. I apologized to her and again informed her that there is a breakdown of communication somewhere as we must be missing messages. And that I have only contacted her from 2 numbers of which she knows. She then asked for my work phone number, so she could call me. I agreed, and sent her a third number which is my office desk number. At this point 4 om came and went and so as 5pm and I did not hear back. So I emailed her informing her that maybe we should try another day as I am deflated from trying to ask her to please call me directly on any of my numbers and abandon text messages as that is where out conversation seems to break down.

By 6pm I sent her a refund request on 60% of the money I paid her and asked her to keep 40% for her troubles while we try another time. She took this as an insult and all of a sudden she could now get all my text messages. She proceeded to wash me down and tell me how I have messed up her day, requesting for a meet during traffic hours, and how she wished she never gave me another chance. I informed her that I am not upset and apologize if she feels I have ruined her day. I took screen shots of the bizarre text message chain between us and emailed to her so she could see proof that I was indeed responding to her and sending her request for time and location. Then I started to wonder, if she says I am pretending of not getting her messages on cell about time and location, how come she knows about 4pm request and how come once I ask for a refund she now gets all my messages and misses none. In anger she said she will give me back 100% of my money. I still proceeded to explain to her that there seems to have been a serious breakdown in communication, that all I wanted was to make sure she did not feel like I wasted her time. But it was too late, she had lost it and at this point I was labeled as a crazy person, a time waster, and game runner.

I have over the years seen some very reputable and lovely ladies on here and they will inform on my credibility, punctuality, and respect. I never haggle, and always make up if I cancel. Always. Either by paying more or cutting session short but paying for full session.

She declined my request for a refund via paypal, and when I questioned why, she informed me that I had the nerve to even ask for it. That I have wasted her time enough and she was planning to refund my full amount and report me. I am still waiting for any refund. I still have received none.

Azebella, if you do read this, please know that I intended no harm and still insist as the screen shots of the text messages will prove, and email chain will show, I did everything in my power to see you. How did I come off as being these labels you put on me?

I have read some of her posts over time and believe she is indeed a lovely and nice person. However, the person in the reviews and the one I was communicating with yesterday all seem to be different people. I do understand the frustration of being made to feel like you are having your time wasted. But despite my plea with her to go back and look at the screenshots and follow the email thread to see where we seems to be missing messages, it all failed.

In conclusion, I have submitted all proof, text, email to the mods, and am now putting my case in the hands of the forum to please help me understand if I am in the wrong. I am Man enough to admit if I am wrong and will take out a thread to apologize to her if it is so. But again, Gents, ladies, and all, what are your inputs.

Apologies again for the LONG LONG Read. Wish I could make it shorter.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
warten .... Sie bat um eine Rückerstattung?! von einer Nutte
[Wait.... You requested a refund?! From a hooker]

:taunting .gif not needed:
warten .... Sie bat um eine Rückerstattung?! von einer Nutte
[Wait.... You requested a refund?! From hooker]

:taunting .gif not needed: Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Well, the meeting never took place. And this might sound naive and stupid of me, but I prefer not to refer to anyone as hooker. But I get your point.
I have debated on this long and hard. Especially knowing that I am about to present a complaint about a very Popular ( I gather) Provider. Debating myself comes from the way I have seen other gents get treated on here when they do report their sides of the story.

I hardly ever post on here, but I do follow the trends and boards. I am more of a kisser and no teller type, but I do respect the opinions of everyone. I had initially wanted to just cut my losses, delete my account, and get out of the hobby. But then a nice Mod asked me to post my side of the story. I wish she was not banned so she could come and maybe finally give her side of the story I am about to tell. Because, keep in mind, understanding what happened is all I seek. With that being said, I begin.

I do confess that I have tried to see her twice in the past before but ended up cancelling due to the very busy nature of my job, which requires I be on call most times. This time I did give her a heads up and apologized and promised to make it up to her. The second time I cancelled because of I had very sad news about my son's health that day. He had been diagnosed with a Genetic disease that will affect him the rest of his life, and possibly lead to death. I could not make it to go hump away after getting such bad news. And I do admit I was in the wrong for not responding to her messages to find out about the meetings. At such times, the hobby is the last thing on your mind.

After finally coming off months of depression and learning to live with this new reality, I felt I had to make it up to her and owed her an explanation as I deem everyone should be treated with respect, especially their time. But alas, she had been banned. So I reached out to her on her GMail address posted on these boards.

I reached out to her telling her I wish to keep my promise and to explain why I went silent on the last attempt to see her. She was sympathetic, but insisted that she could not risk seeing me again as I had cancelled twice already. That if I were to see her, I had to put down some deposit via Paypal. A term I considered fair enough, as my goal was to prove that I was no time waster. At this point she does respond to my emails as soon as she gets them.

So yesterday Morning, I sent her the Payment for 1 hour session she advertises on ECCIE. And she thanked me for it and sent me her number in the email alongside a screenshot of her P411 page showing her hour session was more on there. I had no objections as this was supposed to be a deposit with the rest to come, and the extra I promised for the last sessions to be paid after meeting her.

The next part of this tale is where things got bizarre. I promptly contacted her via her mobile number to find out about meeting time and address. No response to call or text. After an hour I reached out to her again via email and told her to contact me on either of my Cell numbers, Work (included as signature in the email correspondences )and Personal ( from which I sent a text and which I provided at the beginning of the email for her to track our chat history). After another hour of waiting, she sends me an email and says to please contact her by Text as it would be faster. I then replied to the email informing her that I just did, twice by texting her. At this point, still not response on my cell phone. So I texted her again asking if a 4pm meeting was possible, and the response to that was "Hello this is Azebella". To which I said hello, will 4pm be ideal and where would you love to meet? I get total silence. Then a response later "informing me that she is still waiting on a response from me to find out if we are still meeting".I figured she must not be getting my messages or something. So I reached out to her from my Work cell phone ( which is in my signature). I told her to please contact me on my work cell phone if she is experiencing delays from my other phone. I send a text to and from both my numbers to test delays and they came through cleanly. But each time she sent me a text, she kept asking me to please let her know if we are still meeting. My conclusion was that there was a severe case of missing messages or messages not going through.

I then switched to calling her from my my cell phones, and got voicemail. So I went back to emailing her informing her that she seems to not be getting my messages, as I might not be getting hers as well. She responded to the email stating that I am calling her from too many numbers, texting her from too many numbers, and sending too many emails. However, all my emails were chronological. I waited for a response each time. I apologized to her and again informed her that there is a breakdown of communication somewhere as we must be missing messages. And that I have only contacted her from 2 numbers of which she knows. She then asked for my work phone number, so she could call me. I agreed, and sent her a third number which is my office desk number. At this point 4 om came and went and so as 5pm and I did not hear back. So I emailed her informing her that maybe we should try another day as I am deflated from trying to ask her to please call me directly on any of my numbers and abandon text messages as that is where out conversation seems to break down.

By 6pm I sent her a refund request on 60% of the money I paid her and asked her to keep 40% for her troubles while we try another time. She took this as an insult and all of a sudden she could now get all my text messages. She proceeded to wash me down and tell me how I have messed up her day, requesting for a meet during traffic hours, and how she wished she never gave me another chance. I informed her that I am not upset and apologize if she feels I have ruined her day. I took screen shots of the bizarre text message chain between us and emailed to her so she could see proof that I was indeed responding to her and sending her request for time and location. Then I started to wonder, if she says I am pretending of not getting her messages on cell about time and location, how come she knows about 4pm request and how come once I ask for a refund she now gets all my messages and misses none. In anger she said she will give me back 100% of my money. I still proceeded to explain to her that there seems to have been a serious breakdown in communication, that all I wanted was to make sure she did not feel like I wasted her time. But it was too late, she had lost it and at this point I was labeled as a crazy person, a time waster, and game runner.

I have over the years seen some very reputable and lovely ladies on here and they will inform on my credibility, punctuality, and respect. I never haggle, and always make up if I cancel. Always. Either by paying more or cutting session short but paying for full session.

She declined my request for a refund via paypal, and when I questioned why, she informed me that I had the nerve to even ask for it. That I have wasted her time enough and she was planning to refund my full amount and report me. I am still waiting for any refund. I still have received none.

Azebella, if you do read this, please know that I intended no harm and still insist as the screen shots of the text messages will prove, and email chain will show, I did everything in my power to see you. How did I come off as being these labels you put on me?

I have read some of her posts over time and believe she is indeed a lovely and nice person. However, the person in the reviews and the one I was communicating with yesterday all seem to be different people. I do understand the frustration of being made to feel like you are having your time wasted. But despite my plea with her to go back and look at the screenshots and follow the email thread to see where we seems to be missing messages, it all failed.

In conclusion, I have submitted all proof, text, email to the mods, and am now putting my case in the hands of the forum to please help me understand if I am in the wrong. I am Man enough to admit if I am wrong and will take out a thread to apologize to her if it is so. But again, Gents, ladies, and all, what are your inputs.

Apologies again for the LONG LONG Read. Wish I could make it shorter. Originally Posted by Damionix
I would have moved on after the cancellations because by that time she already has pegged you as problematic. I don't want to be a jerk here but you kind of asked for it because you should have known that Houston providers are a very weird, moody bunch that blow things out of proportion especially when it comes to money and making appointments with new clients. If you slight them in any way or fashion, they won't let it go so you should be the one to do that by not making an attempt to see her for the third time. I would not do a prepay with any provider, period. However, she should have returned the money to you if she were a decent person who has some business integrity. But then again the hobby can be polluted with a multitude of participants who aren't so honorable and exhibit sketchy behavior.
mcee22's Avatar
I'm not defending her as i've never tried to book her, but you already had 2 strikes for cancellations then made it more confusing by using multiple #s. All of which are red flags that may have made her nervous. . Keep it simple and only use the original method of communication. As for PayPal refund, chalk it up to the price of doing business.
moonshiner's Avatar
Should have saved the payment to go see a provider that is worth paying.
Learn and move on to greener pastures.
mcee22's Avatar
I'm not defending her as i've never tried to book her, but you already had 2 strikes for cancellations then made it more confusing by using multiple #s. All of which are red flags that may have made her nervous. . Keep it simple and only use the original method of communication. Especially since these ladies get 100s of texts emails etc. daily. As for PayPal refund, chalk it up to the price of doing business
Wakeup's Avatar
So yesterday Morning, I sent her the Payment for 1 hour session she advertises on ECCIE. Originally Posted by Damionix
Because morons abound...

I have read some of her posts over time and believe she is indeed a lovely and nice person. Originally Posted by Damionix
Then you have a serious reading knew she was banned when you contacted her...

You got what you deserved...
Because morons abound...

Then you have a serious reading knew she was banned when you contacted her...

You got what you deserved... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Unfortunately, I can do nothing but agree. Harsh, but truth.
I'm not defending her as i've never tried to book her, but you already had 2 strikes for cancellations then made it more confusing by using multiple #s. All of which are red flags that may have made her nervous. . Keep it simple and only use the original method of communication. Especially since these ladies get 100s of texts emails etc. daily. As for PayPal refund, chalk it up to the price of doing business Originally Posted by mcee22
None of these numbers were strange to her. She has them both and know they belong to me.
you know she has a new phone number?
All her contacts were lost when the other phone crashed.
Email and p411 PMs should still work though.
you know she has a new phone number?
All her contacts were lost when the other phone crashed.
Email and p411 PMs should still work though.
Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
She provided it to me after I paid the deposit. Her P411 page confirmed it.
dearhunter's Avatar
The whore is pimped. You may have been emailing and texting with CB for all you know. If the whore took your money and she does not reimburse you, she is a thief.

If she took your money, she owes you the service. If she decides that you should not get the service, she owes you ALL of the money back.

The fact that you were an idiot for going in after the two dropped sessions is a separate conversation.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Your tale, at least the original post, is 1643 words. Not that I read them all.

My opinion: you stiffed her twice, maybe three times + you're obviously a tiresome motherfucker + she took the money you stupidly gave her = fair enough, justice served, case closed.

Bonus opinion: this thread was a stupider idea then sending her the money. Quit while you're behind.
notanewbie's Avatar
Hire WTF to get your money back....he will bug her so much she may give you a tip.