He's not the hero we deserve, but the hero we needed

I can't stop laughing. The balls this guy must have to actually get up there though...

Gabrielle's Avatar
Good for him! This is so sweet and brave of him.

Although decriminalization would be preferred to legalization IMO.
Knute's Avatar
  • Knute
  • 08-06-2018, 06:34 AM
I can't stop laughing. The balls this guy must have to actually get up there though...

https://youtu.be/U0doq2bNiDo Originally Posted by Pixburgh412
I can't believe the lack of any kind of reaction at all. You would've thought someone would've at least smiled a little.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Good for him! This is so sweet and brave of him.

Although decriminalization would be preferred to legalization IMO. Originally Posted by Gabrielle
I can't believe the lack of any kind of reaction at all. You would've thought someone would've at least smiled a little. Originally Posted by Knute
Look again and pay attention to the mustached guy behind him.
Knute's Avatar
  • Knute
  • 08-07-2018, 11:40 AM
Look again and pay attention to the mustached guy behind him. Originally Posted by gherman
A couple of slight reactions such as when he says that licensed massage therapist should be able to give genital massages. He seemed so disinterested that he started reading the papers in his hand.