
She's been posting in Williston for awhile know but no reviews, phone number shows nothing and google image nothing?? Wondering if anyone knows anything?? I'm going out to work for a couple days in town and would like to 'blow' off a lil steam!! Or if anyone has any other suggestions for Willy or Minot. Thanks all.
Haven't seen her, emailed her if I remember right. Think she's a local and decently priced if I remember our texts. Post a review if you see her, I've thought about going to see her but never get out there
Well....we'll see. I don't like that there is nothing that I can find online with her phone number or image searching pics.. last thing anyone needs is to walk into a sting. Thx tho Jblows. Appreciate it.
Def looks interesting. Could be worth the drive to Williston maybe. Not sure about deposits to travel, unless I already knew her and trusted her.
Well I chickened out and did not call her. I just don't like the fact that her phone and images show nothing. If anyone finds anything out, please post.