As I'm waiting impatiently for the last season of "Breaking Bad" to begin, I watched "House of Cards" this week. Wow.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I can hardly wait for "Breaking Bad" to start but in the interim, I'm trying to find mindless entertainment when I'm not in bed with someone being ... somewhat lackadaisical and sensually compelling with them.

So just finished watching all of the episodes of "Orange is the new Black" and then found out about "House of Cards", which was really biting and good.

Has anyone watched "House of Cards"? The dialogue is very witty and attitudes are harsh.

The writing is fantastic.

Hugs while sitting on my hands waiting for "Breaking Bad' to begin,
I kinda like endless reruns of Roller Derby and Leave it to Beaver myself
I watched leave it to beaver and gunsmoke today... but im just counting down the days til walking dead returns
Elisabeth, we must have the same taste in tv and movies then! I gobbled up House of Cards in about 3 days. I think they must have tailor made that role for Kevin Spacey. Its gritty, dirty, and witty all in one. And the soundtrack is awesome too! I can't wait for the next season.

When I watched the first season of Breaking Bad, I honestly thought it sounded like a comedy. The promotional pick of Walter in a button down shirt and a pair of tighty whities made me think it was going to be funny. Boy was I wrong! I've been hooked on Breaking Bad ever since too LOL
When I discovered House of Cards, I watched the entire season of shows in just two sittings. It was quite possibly one of the best done series I've seen in years. Kudos to Netflix for investing in such quality work.