MFM questions.

Just want to wade the waters regarding the whole MFM topic.
Long story short, I have had a hobby encounter, and have told my best friend.
Lately tho, he's been hinting at wanting to have a hobby encounter, tho particularly a mfm.
Him and I are total bros who have shared many a handle of whisky through the think and thin. and i would like to be able to troll him one day, to the point where i set one up and tell him to put his money where his mouth is.

Anyone had any experiences with an MFM.
Make things awkward?
and provider insights?

Thank you.
ktiix's Avatar
  • ktiix
  • 09-25-2014, 12:18 PM
Just want to wade the waters regarding the whole MFM topic.
Long story short, I have had a hobby encounter, and have told my best friend.
Lately tho, he's been hinting at wanting to have a hobby encounter, tho particularly a mfm.
Him and I are total bros who have shared many a handle of whisky through the think and thin. and i would like to be able to troll him one day, to the point where i set one up and tell him to put his money where his mouth is.

Anyone had any experiences with an MFM.
Make things awkward?
and provider insights?

Thank you. Originally Posted by autumnamnesiac79
It will be as awkward as you make it.

Double teaming a player can be fun, but seeing your bro's balls may be awkward, especially if you suddenly start trying to kiss him. You can really mess up a friendship with one misplaced finger.
White Tiger's Avatar
I have tried it twice with casual hobby acquaintances, not old friends. One was a spectacular success for everyone involved and the other a catastrophic fail for me. Just got nervous for some reason, but everyone had a good time and the other two worked thru it. But I think it would be kind of awkward to donut with a buddy from outside the hobby world.
Lusty's Avatar
  • Lusty
  • 09-25-2014, 12:47 PM
Did this recently with one of our well known providers and another client of hers. It was a lot of fun! Most important thing was that boundaries were understood before the session. Need to make sure all parties know what everyone will and wont do. That helped avoid any awkward situations.
  • hd
  • 09-25-2014, 01:02 PM
I did a few years ago with a well known and still active provider and one of her regulars. Never saw either before and had no apprehension about it being my first time. As long as you're comfortable with your friend, I don't see a problem. Myself, I couldn't do any man touching, just isn't me, not into it at all, and I'm not embarrassed at all with having the smaller dick. (I'm over that now but still in therapy, it is working!)

Go for it, I'm sure you'll still be best buds afterwards.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
This would be intriguing for it to take place if the other two parties were dominate in the get together and did not hold back on what they wanted to see happen this would be very enjoyable...
This would be intriguing for it to take place.... Originally Posted by TexasCowboy
trust me. after a bottle of jim beam. shit, things are bound to happen.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
It would definitely help if you find a girl who is experienced in mfm play and can make things fun and comfortable! Have fun its the hobby!!
sparrow1122's Avatar
Never did MFM, but it sounds exciting as long as the rules included no MM contact. I would be more comfortable if a provider (LondonB, MelanieStar) set it up and I did not know the guy.
I have a hot young male partner and its never awkward
doug_dfw's Avatar
For me no MFM. I am just too greedy.
Just want to wade the waters regarding the whole MFM topic.
Long story short, I have had a hobby encounter, and have told my best friend.
Lately tho, he's been hinting at wanting to have a hobby encounter, tho particularly a mfm.
Him and I are total bros who have shared many a handle of whisky through the think and thin. and i would like to be able to troll him one day, to the point where i set one up and tell him to put his money where his mouth is.

Anyone had any experiences with an MFM.
Make things awkward?
and provider insights?

Thank you. Originally Posted by autumnamnesiac79
Been in a couple of orgies, knew the ladies really well, so things were a breeze. Had a great experience. In your case with a friend, just set the ground rules, find a lady who is into it, and go for it.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
It would definitely help if you find a girl who is experienced in mfm play and can make things fun and comfortable! Have fun its the hobby!! Originally Posted by London Bridge

A good, experienced MFM provider will know how to keep thing from getting weird.

If it's just you and your'll be like two monkeys an the proverbial football.
starlight87's Avatar
Its a lot of fun, I cant wait to do another.... the friend thing may be weird but like said before the right girl between yall will do just fine.
badhusband's Avatar
As long as boundaries are set, it should be a fun time. The guys that freak out if they see a dick just crack me up. I'm as straight as it gets and LOVE straight porn. There are two kinds of guys in this world, those who love to watch porn and those who lie about not watching porn. It's just funny to me that a guy can watch porn which involves seeing a dick go into a women and that's okay. But if he sees it in front of him in person, then it's a problem, he might fear that he's gay? I haven't figured it out yet.I can understand the greedy concept, but it seems most others are fearing something. As long as there's no intentional M-M touching, to me, that's a non issue. it's all about putting and keeping the gal as the center of attention. Doing it with a buddy may be awkward as you may not want to introduce that to your friendship, but in the hobby world, I've had many successful MFM threesomes with the gal as the center of attention.........