An awkward moment. Ever been with someone when a LandLord or Bill Collector came a knocking?

Whispers's Avatar
I had brunch today with a young lady I met a few days ago.

I picked her up at her place and was sitting in her living room while she was in the bathroom finishing her makeup.......


I heard a key in a lock and the front door opened and this old bat came through the front door.....

No ring.... no knock......

It heated up pretty quickly when the young lady freaked out over her Land Lady simply walking in unannounced.....

Turns out she's a bit behind on her rent......

I stood up and introduced myself to the Land Lady as her "Uncle" and got an earful about a whopping $86 she hadn't paid for an electric bill....

I quickly calmed the lady down, wrote her a check for the $86 and before leaving gave her my card and mentioned she may have violated my "niece's" rights by simply walking in......

She left after rambling a bit about thinking no one was home and then apologizing....

I took my "niece" to brunch, brought her home and before leaving was rewarded with a spontaneous exhibition of gratitude....

During which I reflected on the Land Lady and her earlier intrusion and made a quick joke about how fortunate we were to not have gone to breakfast instead of brunch... We may have been home earlier and "Uncle" would not have been as easily explained.

Anyway..... Anyone been with someone when the billl collectors, debt collectors, etc came a knocking?

I know some here probably have a LandLord that takes TOO close an interest in what they do......
trynagetlaid's Avatar
She has NOT been a P4P participant.....

If you can't turn that one...then you need to burn your man card...
Whispers's Avatar
If you can't turn that one...then you need to burn your man card... Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
I'm very confident I will.....

harkontume's Avatar
Extended families are wonderful.

After all. It takes a village.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Doesn't the city of Austin require all rental properties to have a keyless deadbolt? I usually make a point of turning the deadbolt myself when I come in.

It's a pretty dumb thing to go walking into an apartment unannounced anyway. Lots of people with guns. And lots of potential jurors who would say "not guilty."
Typically, Landlord access requires some type of notice- depending on the lease document...if there is a document in place.

The only time notice is not required is in the case of an emergency.

An $86 dollar "session" plus incidentals at Denny's...Prettaaay Gooood...

Yes, I have been in some butt puckering door knocks over the years---never the Landlord or bill collector though...
Whispers's Avatar
There actually WAS a keyless deadbolt But as I was just there to pick her up for brunch it may have freaked her out a bit had I taken liberty to lock it.
lol- For SURE Whispers. Check the windows too...I'm not a big surprise guy too...I know all points of ingress and egress and make sure the same are battened down and latched no doubt...
That's quick thinking....hope the young lady appreciated it. I had a similar experience...except when I showed for the appointment, the landlord was already at the property and showing it to a prospective tenant. Provider (first time with her) ran out and told me to pretend I was her boyfriend visiting. Felt sorry for her - Very awkward for about twenty minutes. Thought about leaving, but went thru with it - she made up for it and we had a great time. I always wondered what the landlord and tenant thought about the massage table set up and the sexy boudoir.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
Uncle Whispers. Has a nice ring to it. LOL
sixxbach's Avatar
I was nearly walked in on with a civie find from yahoo chat when I lived with my then girlfriend by the maintenance guy. We had been waiting on a repair and of course he comes when she is sucking me. I told him it wasn't a good time and asked if he could come back later.I am sure he knew what was going on when I walked her to her car and he was walking around lol

Whispers's Avatar
Uncle Whispers. Has a nice ring to it. LOL Originally Posted by LuvThatKitty
Very few of the girls I see have any idea who Whispers is! or ever will!
Rakhir's Avatar
As a Texan you should have made mention of Castle Doctrine & how she narrowly avoided being a justifiable corpse in the doorway. If you break the plane of the doorway without invitation justification is an automatic given.

A healthy fear should have been put into that woman!
GneissGuy's Avatar
As a Texan you should have made mention of Castle Doctrine & how she narrowly avoided being a justifiable corpse in the doorway. If you break the plane of the doorway without invitation justification is an automatic given.

A healthy fear should have been put into that woman! Originally Posted by Rakhir
Yes, the woman should be afraid to enter a locked apartment without knocking. However,

1) Threats are probably not a good thing to do for tenant landlord relations. Especially if you're not the tenant.

2) The castle doctrine is not that simple. It may not apply unless "force" was used to enter. Especially if the person entering had a key and the tenant knew they had a key.

3) Even an appropriate castle doctrine shooting is likely to cost you a lot of money, and you could easily end up in jail. You could easily end up getting convicted. "Members of the jury, the defendant obviously let the victim into the room, got into an argument and then fabricated the story of a breakin."

4) The woman could easily file charges against you for threatening her and it might take a lot of time, money, and hassle to clear things up. You could easily lose job opportunities because of your arrest record.
Eraserman's Avatar
A few years ago in Dallas I had an incall session with a little firecracker who had a brother handle security for her. Pretty weird, but he was a real nice guy, not threatening so I went with it. Usually smoked a few cigarettes with him afterwards while shooting the breeze.

Anyway she and I are finishing a session when there's a commotion downstairs and the brother is having a problem with a guy banging on the door wanting to get in. I told her to get it taken care of I don't intend to get involved with another client or whoever and went to take a shower. I figured between she and he the guy would be gone by the time I was leaving. She's no angel in more ways than one.

Turns out she was being served. A family member was taking action to take her kid from her. So no problem for me, but a big problem for her. Boy she had a mouth and a temper!