WTF!!! Christmas Memories (Stories)

bojulay's Avatar
Any WTF!!! Christmas memories or stories??

I can still remember my mom reading the story of the little match girl to me
on Christmas Eve when I was about five.

It's a story about a little poor girl that has to try and sell matches to get some
food, and is sent out in the cold without a coat. She uses up all her matches trying
to keep warm, and then freezes to death in the cold.

I think I still have post traumatic stress from hearing that damn story.
OldGrump's Avatar
bojulay, that is a sad story. Do you think your mother was trying to get you to see the irony of freezing to death with a handful of matches?

Sorry, the Scrooge in me came out. I just woke up to a note from my wife that we have a water leak in the house. Where's that little match girl when you need her?

My story is a belated one. It is more of a revelation. My sister told me that, when we were young (over 50 years ago) that she used to sneak into all the closets and carefully open everyone's presents. Then she would carefully wrap them back up smugly knowing what we got.

She was a sneaky little bitch way back then.

Merry Christmas.
bojulay's Avatar
bojulay, that is a sad story. Do you think your mother was trying to get you to see the irony of freezing to death with a handful of matches? Originally Posted by OldGrump

It did make me wonder when she sent me out on Christmas Eve to get some
milk and bread at the store. Only wearing short pants and carrying a Bic Lighter.
That's as bad as the bunny who lays down on the mouse to keep him warm on Christmas eve and when the mouse wakes up on Christmas day he's OK but the bunny that shielded him from the storm is dead. I mean, really, WTF kinda children's story is that?

There was the year my mom freaked out after she had decorated the Christmas tree and then threw it across the living room. I was outside when it happened but I saw the aftermath being cleaned up and years later my Dad told me about it. But I knew my Mom, so I wasn't that surprised.

Merry Christmas!
When I was a kid I probably got way more gifts than a kid deserved...bikes, remote control cars, athletic best friend at 12 was really poor. He and his brother each got a paint-by-number kit one Christmas. That was it, that was all they got. He was more excited about it than I was about my new 10-speed. That memory...still with me today...I know...not a WTF story

Merry Christmas, folks...
hdg67's Avatar
  • hdg67
  • 12-11-2014, 02:24 PM
My mom forgot a present she had hidden once. That's how I got my electric Snoopy toothbrush when I was 18. Found in the back of the closet from when I was 8.
cinderbella's Avatar
My two favorite Christmas memories are ones that I personally was not around to witness but I loved hearing them. Great excuse to share them:

My grandpa was born in a little mountain town in Colorado called Ouray back in 1923. When he was little, he and his brother were looking thru the Sears Catalog trying to figure out what to order for a Christmas present for their mother.

They asked their dad and he said "She could use a new pair of bloomers". ( Old fashioned word for underwear). So then they asked what size. "Your mom's pretty big." So they order the BIGGEST pair. Christmas morning their mom opens her gift. Big enough for an elephant. Everyone had a good laugh.

On Christmas Eve, an Italian miner rode a horse drawn wooden sleigh thru the streets of Ouray and stopped at every kids house to drop off a bag of fruit, nuts and candy. All while dressed in an old fashioned Santa suit, bringing the kids of his adopted country a taste of the simple yet beautiful and elegant European tradition that he loved growing up a long time ago in an old Italian village.
muffin101's Avatar
Any WTF!!! Christmas memories or stories??

I can still remember my mom reading the story of the little match girl to me
on Christmas Eve when I was about five.

It's a story about a little poor girl that has to try and sell matches to get some
food, and is sent out in the cold without a coat. She uses up all her matches trying
to keep warm, and then freezes to death in the cold.

I think I still have post traumatic stress from hearing that damn story. Originally Posted by bojulay

I don't think that's how that story goes....

Didn't she get to make a bunch of wishes with those matches?

I thigh there was a happy ending with that story.
The happy ending was she died and got to go to heaven to be with her grandmother.
bojulay's Avatar
My grandpa was born in a little mountain town in Colorado called Ouray back in 1923. When he was little, he and his brother were looking thru the Sears Catalog trying to figure out what to order for a Christmas present for their mother. Originally Posted by cinderbella
Wish you could still order from the 1923 sears catalog.

You could order up a Thompson Machine Gun and all the ammo you wanted.

Ever wonder where the gangsters from the 20s, 30s, got their thompson
machine guns. They just ordered them up from sears.

Now that would be a Christmas present.
bojulay's Avatar

I don't think that's how that story goes....

Didn't she get to make a bunch of wishes with those matches?

I thigh there was a happy ending with that story. Originally Posted by muffin101

You can't make wishes with matches muffin.

Except to wish that you had more matches so you wouldn't freeze to death.
Or for a 1964 Padron to light up with one.

OldGrump's Avatar
My two favorite Christmas memories are ones that I personally was not around to witness but I loved hearing them. Great excuse to share them:

My grandpa was born in a little mountain town in Colorado called Ouray back in 1923. When he was little, he and his brother were looking thru the Sears Catalog trying to figure out what to order for a Christmas present for their mother.

They asked their dad and he said "She could use a new pair of bloomers". ( Old fashioned word for underwear). So then they asked what size. "Your mom's pretty big." So they order the BIGGEST pair. Christmas morning their mom opens her gift. Big enough for an elephant. Everyone had a good laugh.

On Christmas Eve, an Italian miner rode a horse drawn wooden sleigh thru the streets of Ouray and stopped at every kids house to drop off a bag of fruit, nuts and candy. All while dressed in an old fashioned Santa suit, bringing the kids of his adopted country a taste of the simple yet beautiful and elegant European tradition that he loved growing up a long time ago in an old Italian village. Originally Posted by cinderbella
Ah, Cinderbella, thanks for the memories. My father used to love going to Ouray every year. I never got to go with him but now understand the charm of the area.

I must go there now just to feel his presence again.

Merry Christmas to All
melannie_star's Avatar
Getting my first salt n peppa cd and karaoke machine..
The look on my moms face when I starting singing What a man , What a man, what a mighty good man! Yes he is...

Still have it on video!
Hercules's Avatar
More of a What a Fuck story. Had Kat Adaire over for a Yuletide sleepover. Drank wine, watched old movies. Were fuckin like bunnies when the CD player cycled and "Grandma Got Run Over By a Rendeer" blared out of the speakers. Biggest boner busting moment I ever had with a lady.