Can I bitch?

CG2014's Avatar
I didn't see a thread for this but sometimes we just need to vent.

I was at the grocery store in the bakery section.

To the left are the fresh bread display cases, to the right in the middle of the floor is the rectangular cooler case for fresh cakes and cake slices.

There is only enough room in between for one shopping cart to go through coming or going.

I was pushing my cart through and a Hispanic lady was heading toward me with her full cart and a little dog (I doubt it was a service dog - it was the small dogs that fit in a purse) on a leash.

So I STOPPED and YIELD to let her come through first.

What does she do instead of saying thank you?

She yells at me: "You can F go over there" while at the same time gesturing pretty strongly with her arm toward the other side of the cooler case.

Then as she was pushing her cart past me, she cursed at me in Spanish and kept looking at me real dirty!

I said nothing to her. Not one word.

I could had called her all kind of foul words in Spanish but I didn't!

What is wrong with these people?

I was being a Gentleman to her too!

People have been shot nowadays for LESS!
The world as we know it is slowly becoming extinct. . .
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
That is what love at first sight looks like.
sparrow1122's Avatar
Little dogs do that to people!
Chung Tran's Avatar
weird... I get a feeling of entitlement vibe from her reaction... I think you should have fired back at her... now she thinks you agree with her that you were wrong...

and after you yelled back at her, kick that little Bastard on a leash.. service dog my ass!
CG2014's Avatar
I think many people nowadays have no manners.

They are so used to dealing with other human being over a computer or tablet or smartphone and they can get away and say anything they want hiding behind that electric device on social media.

When they get out in the real world and have to come face to face with a live flesh and blood human being in person, they don't know how to act or be civilized.
Chung Tran's Avatar
they can get away and say anything they want hiding behind that electric device on social media.
Originally Posted by CG2014

you mean like I just did in my post above? LOL...

ok, maybe you shouldn't kick the damn dog, but the Lady needs her shit coming back at her.. that's the only way some people learn..
CG2014's Avatar
you mean like I just did in my post above? LOL...
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think you were typing the same time I was posting because I didn't see your post when I was replying to sparrow1122's post.
RandB fan's Avatar
you mean like I just did in my post above? LOL...

ok, maybe you shouldn't kick the damn dog, but the Lady needs her shit coming back at her.. that's the only way some people learn.. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Mental disabilities served include, but are not limited to, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Acute Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Asperger Syndrome, and Autism Spectrum Disorders.

Ya, go ahead Kick the dog, explain it to the judge.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Put your hand on your heart, give her the "OK" signal, laugh at her and move on....and laugh hard....
muffin101's Avatar
You can always picture that someone ran over her little dog in the parking lot.....

And take comfort in that

Or just brush it off your shoulder...

Nicer dudes are supposed to get fucked...

Ya and it's cool, now you've vented
Perfect moment for The Stink Eye...

Yell Back
  • Noid
  • 12-16-2014, 06:16 AM
I notice this attitude A LOT from hispanic-latina women.
I'd just say "You are a rude, mean, entirely worthless bitch. I'm sorry for you. Probably your little pretend dog is the only living thing that would have anything to do with you. You will spend your life unhappy and alone."

One of the things I like most about being retired is that I can generally plan my day to avoid hassles and I generally don't have to deal with people I don't like. But, even careful planning cannot protect me or you from random encounters with completely awful assholes and jerks (of both genders). I've gotten crotchety enough to ignore the good advice to move on-I usually always call them on it, but I always smile doing so. Only once has this ever backfired on me-I had to tell a very aggressive jerk, "I need to tell you that I'm armed. If you come any closer to me or continue to threaten me you will almost certainly die, right here, right now." At that point I did think that people who counsel quiet avoidance are usually right. When you respond to utterly useless pieces of shit like the woman you encountered there is always the possibility of some sort of deranged or violent response. Even if you are prepared for that it's just not worth it. I know this, but sometimes self.

I'm betting that bitch got into the express line with fifty items and with an out of town check she did not get out of her purse until the entire checkout was finished and the total was announced. This would be after she'd complained about the price of an item, gotten a price check and made a scene about an expired coupon being no good.

Don't you wish her little dog had bitten her while you were passing by? I'm sorry, I'm just a bad person.