Should I or should I not?

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
It would help if we knew what they were for.I personelly think it is a waste of money.If your are buying them for a lady, then do something original.Make it meaningfull and from the heart. Flowers are nice, but not much thought goes into the process of getting them.
Defiantly for a female.
I say awwww. Thats so sweet.
flexywun's Avatar
if you have feelings for someone that doesn't have the same for you, buying the flowers will not get you what you are looking for. IMHO. but if you're just doing a nice gesture for a lady, then have at it.
Int3rested's Avatar
You know...
Lana Warren's Avatar
If she doesn't want them, I'll take them, Tom! They're beautiful!
cookie man's Avatar
Fuck no! Are you kidding? Maybe worlds reddest rose.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
Trucker, you need to read the latest review of your loved one and see what she had to say about you before you do anything. You will need premium access.
While those ARE beautiful roses, it states "vase not included".

I have NOTHING big enough to put them in!

Personally, I would rather pass on the giant roses and have either carnations or just a mixed bouquet if anything at all.

Save your money, darlin'...
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm with Nitwitboy!! Not being cynical, just realistic. You asked, so I assumed you wanted an honest answer. She doesn't deserve them. Or you.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Should I or should I not? Originally Posted by Truckertom
Wow, first for Truckertom I would say this is not something I would ask others to decide for you, if you feel it's something you want to do then do it, otherwise you will always wonder what the outcome would be.

Second for the others, (and yes I read the review) which shows second hand info, if that's what her intentions were I would think she would tell him herself, (but of course there is also the possibility that it true), but as reviews go we weren't, there so it's hear say.

Although some try to avoid the connection and keep it as strictly P4P(which is their loss), but this is a very intimate hobby we practice, and is very easy to get caught up in, and to be honest I am hooked on everyone I see, and I try to show it regardless of what others may think!!
Rcoop, not looking for a decision just ideas, it's for her birthday, I already have one gift on order just need something to go with it. I'm about to go blind shopping on this 3 inch screen.

I can't see rhe ROS but from what people have sent me in pm, all I can say is she can't get enough from me to be worth all the work she puts into keeping me around. Contrary to popular myth, driving is not a high paying job anymore.
Being cynical here, DOES SHE EVEN LIKE YOU?? I've read some things in the sandbox that makes me think you are infatuated with her, but the feeling is not mutual.

The flowers are nice, but why don't you checkout some jewelry...or would you need our opinions on that too? Dude, don't get your heart broken if she's just "not that into you".

Hey! I was thinking about this...watcha think??

bigtxhorseman's Avatar
Damn IP!....lmao

I vote should not...As in " I should not continue this soap opera out on the board and air my dirty laundry in public"

I'm just saying....