Executive Orders advancing gun control

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
For some inexplicable reason a few of you support anything that comes from the left including gun control. I guess you have to, you're not allowed independent thought on the left but is executive order rather than the legislative process is the way you want to do it? Don't you prefer the American way rather than the European way?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
and how would you characterize your thought process, BSwine?

I know how I'd classify it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, how starved for attention are you, Assup? Review the link, say what you think. You just ramble like a stagecoach with three wheels.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I like this one.

And careful Whiny, you might wind up in the corner again.

any post that begins with an insult and ends with a rhetorical question is sophomoric and tedious ... Especially when it comes from the Junk Whisperer
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A group of people yawning. Yup, Assup is trying to make a point, and failing, again.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
And what is your point tonight, Whiny?

You got the balls to mix it up?


CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Mix it up? With who? I don't engage in a battle of wits with someone who is unarmed.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Picking on the handicapped is always a loser even when you win.

Don't pick on Whatzup! He can't help
what he is!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How old is the person in that picture, BSwine? and do you have a picture of HIS junk?

You are hysterical. Just when we thought you might be over the yolk of your own faux pas, you crack another egg over your own head, Junk Whisperer!

For some inexplicable reason a few of you support anything that comes from the left including gun control. I guess you have to, you're not allowed independent thought on the left but is executive order rather than the legislative process is the way you want to do it? Don't you prefer the American way rather than the European way?

http://thehill.com/homenews/administ...ontrol-forward Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

guys like you don't want background checks love high capacity mags and don't seem to mind it when a mentally fucked person goes into a school and spends 150some rounds killing kids.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Typical response from the left. If you don't agree with me then you want the worst. Look up Hobson's Choice. You guys are pieces of shit did you know that.

Try to wrap your mind around this, the founders wanted a government that had built in controls. A separation of powers is that they called it. One branch acted as a drag on the other branch so one branch (they believed that the President had to be controlled and would have less power) could not unilaterally run the country. Obama more than any other president (including FDR) has turned that on it's head. FDR was not about to intimidate the Supreme Court but apparently Obama has turned John Roberts. FDR was not a neo-socialist either. He did advance policies that supported the democratic party but did not hurt the country. Obama has no concern for the country or people in it just like your typical socialist strong man.

What do I want you piece of shit? Pay attention. LImits on magazines has no effect. The typical Missouri bushwacher carried four, five, or six pistols on his person. The lazy, stupid criminal has enough sense to know that two pistols with 20 rounds is just as good as one with 14, better actually. Bloomberg hasn't figured that out in New York City. Even the gun grabbers have stated that they don't want the police to be handicapped when going against a bad guy but we dont' count. A smarter criminal can find two or three of the millions of magazines already in existence or find a magazine that is larger than normal. Ever hear of a 30 round magazine for the 1911 .45? An industrious criminal can have magazines made or make them in a typical machine shop. Some sheet meetal and a spring is all it takes.
Background checks? Funny you have the wrong people. The gun owners know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to have universal background checks because criminal don't make legal purchases. They are against the idea of mental background checks. That's right your lefties are the ones that made this possible. The country has also followed the idea of gun free zones and what did you reap, school massacres. These are the fruit of liberal policies. We are angry, angry with crazies lacking control, angry with people like you blaming the gun instead of the person behind it, angry with blood soaked liberals trying to pass the blame on to us. You are the ghouls with blood on your hands but you're not happy with that. You want to feast on the flesh and push a failed agenda which will only result in more blood.

You tell us all how these new laws would have stopped Newtown if they had been enacted five years ago? Magazines would still be out there. Adam Lanza would still be exempt from mental health checks because you don't want those. Ever pick up a weapon Eva? A competent person (and not likely to go shooting in a school) wouldn't need 150 shots.

I have considered making a video showing how destructive a person could be with only a pistol and a shotgun but it would also be used for training. Why bother telling you. You are just another ignorant bigot who is quite happy being ignorant.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There you go making assumptions.
You have no idea how much it pains supporters of the Constituttion when a person acts in a manner that is detrimental to the safety of anyone. We are as troubled by the insanity of people that modern society tells us we must treat as equals and not remove them from mainstream society until they do something so horrendous that people want to blame everything but the person that did it.

We weep for the survivors as much as for the dead.

In the case of the Sandy Hook murders, it is even more sad that the derangement caused the death of children. It is even more sad that the mother waited so long to attempt to institutionalize her son. IN addition, knowing that he need to be instituionalized and not securing the firearms is a terrible lack of judgement.

The idea that infringing on the
Constitutional rights because a deranged person was mainstreamed into society is like eliminating banks to stop bank robbers. To limit the capacity of a magazine would be like limiting the amount of cash a bank teller can have in a drawer to limit the amount the robber can take. It does nothing to stop the robber.

The media will spin this and have done so in describing the firearms found at the killers home as an arsenal and it was little more than a very few guns and a meager amount of ammunition. More fear mongering.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They discovered a gun safe in the bedroom of the Sandy Hook shooter. When do you suppose his mother might have gotten a clue that her son was preparing for an expression of his second amendment rights?

Also, though originally vehemently denied, the shooter AND his pistol packing Mama were both members of the NRA. Maybe Wayne should use them on his next membership recruitment ad.

Just an FYI to consider while trying to justify the horrible mass shootings we have to live with in this country.

Oh, and BSwine, just calling someone a piece of shit doesn't make it so, except, of course, in your case, Junk Whisperer.
If you watch MSNBC for anytime, its clear that the libs want to grab guns. Inescapable. The universal background check is being taken off the table only as a bargaining chip to keep the Democratic Socialists from ramming their radical legislation thru.
Typical response from the left. If you don't agree with me then you want the worst. Look up Hobson's Choice. You guys are pieces of shit did you know that.

Try to wrap your mind around this, the founders wanted a government that had built in controls. A separation of powers is that they called it. One branch acted as a drag on the other branch so one branch (they believed that the President had to be controlled and would have less power) could not unilaterally run the country. Obama more than any other president (including FDR) has turned that on it's head. FDR was not about to intimidate the Supreme Court but apparently Obama has turned John Roberts. FDR was not a neo-socialist either. He did advance policies that supported the democratic party but did not hurt the country. Obama has no concern for the country or people in it just like your typical socialist strong man.

What do I want you piece of shit? Pay attention. LImits on magazines has no effect. The typical Missouri bushwacher carried four, five, or six pistols on his person. The lazy, stupid criminal has enough sense to know that two pistols with 20 rounds is just as good as one with 14, better actually. Bloomberg hasn't figured that out in New York City. Even the gun grabbers have stated that they don't want the police to be handicapped when going against a bad guy but we dont' count. A smarter criminal can find two or three of the millions of magazines already in existence or find a magazine that is larger than normal. Ever hear of a 30 round magazine for the 1911 .45? An industrious criminal can have magazines made or make them in a typical machine shop. Some sheet meetal and a spring is all it takes.
Background checks? Funny you have the wrong people. The gun owners know that it is IMPOSSIBLE to have universal background checks because criminal don't make legal purchases. They are against the idea of mental background checks. That's right your lefties are the ones that made this possible. The country has also followed the idea of gun free zones and what did you reap, school massacres. These are the fruit of liberal policies. We are angry, angry with crazies lacking control, angry with people like you blaming the gun instead of the person behind it, angry with blood soaked liberals trying to pass the blame on to us. You are the ghouls with blood on your hands but you're not happy with that. You want to feast on the flesh and push a failed agenda which will only result in more blood.

You tell us all how these new laws would have stopped Newtown if they had been enacted five years ago? Magazines would still be out there. Adam Lanza would still be exempt from mental health checks because you don't want those. Ever pick up a weapon Eva? A competent person (and not likely to go shooting in a school) wouldn't need 150 shots.

I have considered making a video showing how destructive a person could be with only a pistol and a shotgun but it would also be used for training. Why bother telling you. You are just another ignorant bigot who is quite happy being ignorant. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

yes fuckface I served shot expert on the KD range have hunted all the time since I was old enough too.Own several guns shoot daily. Have no use for you or the NRA and some of it's shit. Remember when they whined when exploding rounds were banned after Ray Gun was shot.