Any man in a position like Bill has enjoyed all of his career has surely been tempted by the attractive women in his presence. He probably had many women openly offering themselves to him. It's life in the entertainment business.
If he were attracted to a woman he worked with regularly, I suspect she would feel like she could not say no to his advances even if she wanted to. That is where his inner strength should prevail - but he is a man and men draw a dotted line when it comes to sexual pleasure.
It is very disappointing to hear the number of accusations in view of the high level of integrity he appeared to have in his acting and personal life. There is no happy ending to this story for anyone involved.
Originally Posted by OldGrump
I really didn't give these stories a second thought (I agree with the innocent until proven guilty thing) but after reading how it wasn't just dealing with the typical drunk date (which rape is a questionable thing in those situations) but that he was accused, by more than one woman, of slipping them a pill, or some sort of mickey, and then having sex with them when they're out of it.
That is what has bothered me the most. That shows intent as compared to just taking an opportunity (even when inappropriate) when presented.
We would all be shocked if it was publicly known what many of our celebrities did on the down low. Though I like to think that more than not, most have the integrity and smarts to not get caught up in a mess like this, or enough money to keep the lid on it.
Originally Posted by hd
I know that people are not always well behaved.

I would hope that rape, and being drugged, is not the "normal" in Hollywood. Seems as if in years past, it might have been. Guess I've read too many Judy Garland, etc. bios to think differently.
I believe a man is innocent until proven guilty. And having someone come a decade later, point the finger and say "He touched my booby" isn't enough proof.
Originally Posted by Hercules
I agree. Completely. And I do think that some ladies will come in out of the woodwork and start to point the finger. That doesn't ring true.
However, there is an article in Salon that suggests that nothing will ever happen to Bill Cosby even if proven true. The statue of limitations is over, from my understanding.