For Rookies and Someone don’t read much

  • vadc
  • 12-20-2020, 08:45 AM
There are so many promoting handles here that are controlled by select few paid persons. They get paid to write reviews, talk to themselves like they are two or more different people. They are on multiple tablets or phones so Eccie MOD can’t track their IP addresses.
This is all doing to bump their spa or agency to the top and/or first page.
Whenever your decision is based on first page popular reviews, do your research. Don’t fall victim of this scam.
Research is simple, click on handles post history. If that handle has been posting about one specific spa or agency, ignore what’s been said. Look for handles that review or posting for multiple locations.... all these spas and agencies do this and pay out thousands of dollars to get you into their door.
Most of these ladies are nice but there are few that are flat out not worth your time and money. These little bitch promoters don’t care as long as they get their $ or freebie. In away they are banking on your $.
These promoters and owners don’t give a shit about ladies and put them in position to need of promoting. Without promoters, their popularity goes down. Non promoted ladies get slow and ended up changing their spa names and no choice but getting promoters.
These ladies getting pressured from these little bitches is stressful for them and some of these promoters go as far as %^%^^€.

Good luck and have fun... just my giving what I know after mane scams by one or more little spa bitch promoters.

To be fair to these little bitches, they are useful only for info of who is working....
Ghostrider's Avatar
There is an old threat that was made in the past about AMP promoters. Maybe a link to that will help. Don’t for get to add all the promoters names. I will help if you miss any.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Ironically, the thread starter has been pumping up a lady, this past week, who worked at Luxury early this year, but AFAIK has not been seen since February. Shasha at Luxury. He has commented several times in the past few days, how great a fuck she CURRENTLY is.

That takes promtion to a new level.

Trying to distract away from his personal promotion, by posting this thread. Neat gimmick.
Promoting people who no longer work, Chung?

That's some jesus level of promotion!