
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Is it proper for a Lady to ask for a date in your city if you haven't seen her before ? I think that boarders on solicition. I don't like it !
Lol, boo hooo
First, I am going to guess that you mean borders instead of "boarders".

Second, if this person sent a PM to you suggesting a date, simply respond with the instruction not to contact you again. If your instruction is ignored, forward the message to me or RocketSurgeon and we will take care of the situation.

Lastly, there is no forum guideline prohibiting any member male or female from contacting another for the purpose of making a connection. After your statemen of dislike, I doubt you will need to worry about this happening again.

Have fun and play safe with whomever!
RocketSurgeon's Avatar
As an additional measure, you can also optionally change forum settings to only receive messages from people in your contacts list.

"You may limit the receipt of private messages to just moderators and your contacts. Other members who attempt to send messages to you will be told that you have disabled private messaging."
Hell, I yearn for unsolicited flirts and requests...!

Well, as long as they tick...
earlyriserpaul's Avatar
I have received them from time to time as well. And I do respond back with a quick thanks.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

Ok, yes I get them also. And the ones I get are either gals that have spent a bit of time doing research and have figured out what I like, or more often, outright referals from other gals (who will not be in town at the same time). This latter is quite ego boosting, as the gal making the referal will also easily get another date later.
Just forward them to me, I can’t seem to get anywhere these days with the ladies.
RocketSurgeon's Avatar