Hotels in Austin/San Marcos with Daytime Rates?

calisurfingman's Avatar

Figured instead of calling all over the place (5 phone calls in a row were no's after taking 45 min due to idiots putting me on hold) someone here might be experienced with this.

Does anyone know good hotels in San Marcos and Austin that have daytime rates?

Haha no not "hourly" rates but daytime rates? This is due to a work-shift that lasts from 7 pm to 7 am and needing a place to crash afterwords.

Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
hmm None were willing to accommodate you? Lousy customer service, IMO. If you just want to sleep, I could have put you up in my spare room for a reasonable charge. After all, I'm not doing much but sleeping myself these days! LOL

If you found something, let us know we can PM for specifics as I know some 3rd shifters myself who come to town on occasion, but they probably just paid for an extra day.

Enjoy your visit!
Makes you wonder why there isn't any hourly hotels. Or is there?