It will charge a low membership fee or small fee per post just enough to make the fake poster who looking to spam go away. Offer all viewer see the add or verified members who also pay small fee, generally just a penny a post may get rid of spammers. A this will clean up sights like skip the games. This what made Backpage so powerful almost all the adds were real woman.
It will charge a low membership fee or small fee per post just enough to make the fake poster who looking to spam go away. Offer all viewer see the add or verified members who also pay small fee, generally just a penny a post may get rid of spammers. A this will clean up sights like skip the games. This what made Backpage so powerful almost all the adds were real woman.
Originally Posted by Ripmany
Yep they were real women on backpage. Just not the actual ones pictured in the ad.
Ideal ad board! One with no drive by mods.
Says one of the illiterate spammers that needs to be gotten ridden of.
Ads = advertisements.
Adds you never do, you can add numbers.