George Zimmerman to be Charged......

  • Laz
  • 04-11-2012, 03:51 PM
If he is treated fairly and not railroaded for political convenience this might be the best thing. Put out the facts and let a jury decide. If he is found not guilty he might be able to go back to a normal life.
In about 10 minutes or less we will hear about the new evidence and the charges
I posted this in the original post, he is charged with Second degree murder. He will get the opportunity to bond out. The prosecutor said she won't comment on the new evidence as it will all come out during trial. She is chewing the news reporters butt out right now..lmao

I like this lady.
joe bloe's Avatar
I posted this in the original post, he is charged with Second degree murder. He will get the opportunity to bond out. The prosecutor said she won't comment on the new evidence as it will all come out during trial. She is chewing the news reporters butt out right now..lmao

I like this lady. Originally Posted by Sexyeccentric1
I got the feeling from listening to her drone on and on that the fix is in. They're going to find a way to get a guilty verdict one way or another. They'll probably get another OJ jury, except this time instead of letting an obviously guilty man go free because he was black and the victims were white, they'll convict an obviously innocent man because the "victim" was black and the defendant was half white.

The prosecutor knows that if Zimmerman is found not guilty. The "no justice no peace" crowd will go berserk and burn Florida to the ground. I'm just surprised she wasn't wearing a hoodie.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-11-2012, 07:17 PM
I got the feeling from listening to her drone on and on that the fix is in. They're going to find a way to get a guilty verdict one way or another. They'll probably get another OJ jury, except this time instead of letting an obviously guilty man go free because he was black and the victims were white, they'll convict an obviously innocent man because the "victim" was black and the defendant was half white.

The prosecutor knows that if Zimmerman is found not guilty. The "no justice no peace" crowd will go berserk and burn Florida to the ground. I'm just surprised she wasn't wearing a hoodie. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Hey, though I don't always agree with you you are not usually one of the fringe wackos.

But how in the world can you start the "obviously innocent" crap here?

He shot a man to death--that fact everyone seems to agree on.

Was he justified? That is what the jury should determine based upon whatever evidence we haven't even seen yet. You may think he's innocent, others may think he's guilty, but at a minimum there is some serious gray area here.

I think you have been breathing in IB's toxic fumes a little too much.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey, though I don't always agree with you you are not usually one of the fringe wackos.

But how in the world can you start the "obviously innocent" crap here?

He shot a man to death--that fact everyone seems to agree on.

Was he justified? That is what the jury should determine based upon whatever evidence we haven't even seen yet. You may think he's innocent, others may think he's guilty, but at a minimum there is some serious gray area here.
Old-goaT, what say you quit lying about what 'did' happen and quit postulating what 'should' happen and just let the legal system do its thing.

I think you have been breathing in IB's toxic fumes a little too much.
Old-goaT, you are a lying moron: get over yourself. Originally Posted by Old-T
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-11-2012, 08:14 PM
IB, you are making this far too easy! But then that sort of is what I expect from you.

Let's see:

ME: Was he justified? That is what the jury should determine based upon whatever evidence we haven't even seen yet. You may think he's innocent, others may think he's guilty, but at a minimum there is some serious gray area here.

Now here is the good part:

I B Buffoon "Old-goaT, what say you quit lying about what 'did' happen and quit postulating what 'should' happen and just let the legal system do its thing."

I know it's hard IBB, but carefully look at the two statements. You are actually agreeing with my point but you are too blind with hate to even see it. I know it uses some words of more than one syllable, but ask mommy for help if you need to. Are you now claiming Zimmerman did not shoot Martin? That is the only fact I posted that I can see. Even the folks wanting to pin a medal on Zimmerman agree he shot him. Or maybe you are arguing that Martin isn't dead.

Hmm, what did I say "should" happen? Let me look: I said a jury should decide! If you don't agree, what do you think should happen? Lynching? I pointed out your Stalinist tendencies towards the midnight knock on the door justice and it looks like I was more right than you admitted. "No Jury IB" should be your new handle, or "Save our tax money and send them to the Gulag tonight!" I can almost see you leading the chant (only for certain not-quite-human people of course).

You should really consider taking a long vacation from posting (though I know your ego would never allow it). You demonstrate your stupidity and your bigotry every time you hit SEND.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
George Zimmerman to be Charged......
pantsontheground's Avatar
The jury will decide his fate. Let the chips fall where they may!
cptjohnstone's Avatar
The jury will decide his fate. Let the chips fall where they may! Originally Posted by bigtex
like OJ's trial?
On Fox tonight, they played the 9-11 tapes, they do not jive with what has been reported. Of course, this will all come out in the trial.
The prosecutor had no choice but to bring the 2d degree murder charge, but I would bet any experienced prosecutor would tell you it's at best a manslaughter case.

The government is in a real fix. They have to get a conviction, or Florida will burn. But they know a manslaughter charge would have been a more prudent choice.
like OJ's trial? Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
More often than not the jury will get it right. I have faith in the criminal justice system!

You may now go back to hiding under your husband's covers!
I B Hankering's Avatar
You demonstrate your stupidity and your bigotry every time you hit SEND. Originally Posted by Old-T
Keep on lying, Old-goaT: here is an example of your 'stupid', 'nonjudgmental' lying.

"As to prejudging, I have done none of it as far as Zimmerman goes." Originally Posted by Old-T

Here you admit you were 'stupidly judgmental'.

Post 70: I'll spot you this one. It did come across more judgemental that I intended. Trying to counterballance the posters who are portraying Zimmerman as a hero. Originally Posted by Old-T nt=79