rules on posting?

DBella's Avatar
Clarification: Is it true that you can only post one ad a week on the weekend forum and the provider ad forum. Before realizing this, I received 3!!! infractions!!! I get confused because I see the same girls in the same week, post in the same forum, just different ads.... Is there something Im missing...
Yes ma'am. It is true. The guidelines are posted in my signature line below.

You may post up to FIVE ads total in the Provider Ad forum per 7 day period--each in a different region, but one single ad per region per seven days. So if you are in a single region, then it is really one ad per seven days. If you are traveling, there is a little more flexibility, and you can post ads in those other regions (or for pre-booking). But you cannot post more than 5 ads in the ordinary provider ad forum in any 7 day period.

Then you may also post a single ad in the Weekend Lineup forum. One single weekend lineup ad per weekend, period, without regard to region. Just one weekend ad period.
DBella's Avatar
Thanks Wallance!
CryptKicker's Avatar
The guidelines were also included in the welcome letter that you were sent when you became a VP and is posted at the top of each advertising forum. It is expected that the ladies read this things. I also explained this to you in the warning you were sent on the first ad violation. And all should read the stickies on board guidlines, etc.