SweetAterPie's Avatar
A cleaning crew worker was sexually assaulted outside a library, across the street from an elementary school Thursday morning.

Parents said they can't believe this happened during school hours.

Though part of me understands the sentiment, it struck me as bit offensive toward the victim. In that sexual predators should plan there attacks earlier in the day or risk the outrage of the neighborhood parents.
CenterLock's Avatar
I caught that too and had the same reaction. Not that I don't understand the parent's intent in saying it, but come on.
Mopar71's Avatar
It's FOX-nuff said.
pyramider's Avatar
Just fucking great, now rapes cannot be committed during school hours. First speeding through school zones is a no-no. Then guns and drugs are frowned upon. Then cell phones. And now rapes . . .
I'll bet big bucks that the rapist does not watch fox nuff said
I can see where FOX news haters will see it that way
LazurusLong's Avatar
A woman's rape was reported on all the channels and the OP seems to feel that a quote from a parent makes it seem like Fox made a bad call?

You're shitting me right?

This is about a damn rape that happened when someone who dressed like a student followed the employee into the library and raped her.

Not sure why some folks need to make light of that face by trying to bash a news station...
Let's not make light of sexual assault....

Reporters and news sources will take their own slant but the issue is that someone was attacked. Let give the victim some respect.

SweetAterPie's Avatar
My O.P. was merely my gut feeling when I heard the story and where I heard it. I am sure it was reported elsewhere the same way. Fix 4 was both an opinion and attempt to protect the innocent. You report they decide.

I would love to see an old fashioned cage match where neither escape the cage, between O'really and Uberman.

Mods. please close at your convenience.
Closed per OP request.