
Wanna quit this depressing world and run away from the sadness?? I hate watching the news lately it gets sadder by the day! I want a day where it’s just all positive! Anyone else feel the same???
Man.. I just can’t with the news man. I want to stay informed but.. it’s absolutely bonkers out there.
Guitar's Avatar
I quit watching the evening news several years ago, because of exactly that. We need to all have us a party somewhere. Let's all meet up at Basscat's crib. He's filthy rich.

Or maybe just filthy!
The world is definitely depressing, but you have to a faith that it will get better.
Do all you can to keep yourself and your family safe during this time. It WILL get better.

When I was little, I can remember older family that survived the Spanish Flu, Great Depression, World War 2, Cuban Missile Crisis....we will get thru this.

Hang in there!