Democrats clinch the Senate

VitaMan's Avatar
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CG2014's Avatar
They should not report it as such.

They are not counting Alaska which is red which will put it tie at 50-50

Then Georgia hasn't run off yet until December.

If Georgia goes Red, Republicans win the Senate but they are already calling it a win for the Democrats before the runoff?

Also 12 hours ago with 95% of the votes counted

468,437 48.5% RED / 467,575 BLUE 48.4% 95% of total votes counted

NOW It's

481,659 48.7% BLUE / 476,676 RED 48.2% 97 of total votes counted

So in those 2% of votes that were counted in the past 12 hours, Democrats had over 14,000 more votes versus 9,1001 Republican votes, in just that 2%.

The math don't add up.
VitaMan's Avatar
I think you are mistaken. The Democrats have 50 Senate seats without Georgia.

Hope you are not already going down the road of "if we lose the elections must have been rigged"

Trump already has. What a disgusting loser.
CG2014's Avatar
Add Alaska and it's tied at 50-50. They are not counting Alaska which is red and the 2 candidates there are both Republican.

They should not report the Senate race done with until after the Georgia runoff results.
VitaMan's Avatar
Reports are Democrats have 50 Senate seats.

They will have 51 if a Democrat is elected in Georgia.
CG2014's Avatar
And Republicans have 50 also because Alaska which is not being counted and it should, is red.

Look at it again:
VitaMan's Avatar
That is not correct. Republicans have 49. Democrats have 50.

"With Masto's victory on the heels of Democratic Senator Mark Kelly winning re-election in Arizona late on Friday, Democrats will control at least 50 Senate seats, with Vice President Kamala Harris able to break ties in the 100-member chamber."
The link you provided says the dems have 50 seats. If they win the runoff in GA, they'll have 51.
If the repubs only have 50, the VP is the tie breaker.
In other words, the dems control the senate because the most seats the repubs can have is 50 (if they win GA in December). Alaska isn't being counted in the 50 the dems have. Do the math.
50 for the dems.
48 for repubs
1 (Alaska which they are projected to win)
1 GA is having a runoff.

You need to read your own link.
And Republicans have 50 also because Alaska which is not being counted and it should, is red.

Look at it again: Originally Posted by CG2014
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
So... Is the Civil War on or off ?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
All Republicans had to do was denounce Trump and they could have controlled the Senate. Instead, they decided to be a bunch of blouses because they are scared of Trump's big obnoxious mouth that dipshits treat as the gospel, so they want nothing to do with the negative backlash that comes along with calling him out on his bullshit... oh well, they got what they deserved.

I'm not sure when Republicans will realize that Trump doesn't give a fuck about that party. The only party Trump cares about is the Me, Myself and I party. If he really cared about this country and Republicans, he would shut up and go away and focus on another scam. That piece of shit is just bad for politics and the greater good of this country in every way in my sincere opinion.

I know many of you like him, but he could not have fucked up the Republican party more even if he intentionally tried to do so. He makes everything a circus. Kids like watching a circus, but adults usually don't care for them when the star of the circus sucks.
ICU 812's Avatar
Lucus": I am right there with you.

And so, There we are . . .about where we stasrted from. One conservsative commentator, Shapiro I think, has said that the younger voters turned out in unexpected numbers. And he felt that was because President Biden had promised to forgive student debt. He characterized this as a bribe or payh-off for their support.

The catch seems to be that this was always thought to be not within the power of the presidency to do. A federal judge has just declared that the power to do that resides with congress, as explicitly states in The Constitution.

This will , of course, go to the SCOTUS for a final decision. I can't imagine them overturning this lower court finding.

Now, there we are. The Gen-Z crowd has to find a way to pay-off their debts, like the rest of us. Morre importantly for the rest, the nation as a whole, is faced with two more years of a deeply split legislative branch and a president that can't remember where in the world he is.

WTF: This is not "Trump-tears" or wining, this will deeply affect all of us adversely.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And Republicans have 50 also because Alaska which is not being counted and it should, is red.

Look at it again: Originally Posted by CG2014
The race in Alaska is undecided but one of two Republicans will win. Thus, Alaska is being counted in the Republican column. 50 Democratic seats, 49 Republican seats with one, Georgia, to go.
If it is 50/50, we are eight back where we were, with “knee Pads” Harris as the tie breaker.


It is really simple. Trump backed Candidates we’re able to win primaries, but came up short in the general elections.

It is time to tell Trump to retire.

I just saw Virginia LT Governor Windsome Sears on Fox, she also said it is time for Trump to step aside.
CG2014's Avatar
In the link I posted, Alaska isn't being counted for Republican right now but it should because the 2 top candidates there are Republican making it 50-50 plus the run off.

In other words the race should not be called over and done with when there is still one state not counted toward Republican and a runoff still to be done.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In the link I posted, Alaska isn't being counted for Republican right now but it should because the 2 top candidates there are Republican making it 50-50 plus the run off.

In other words the race should not be called over and done with when there is still one state not counted toward Republican and a runoff still to be done. Originally Posted by CG2014
The race is NOT 50-50 with a runoff. It is 50-49 Democratic with a runoff. The worst outcome for Democrats is they lose Georgia in the runoff and the count is 50-50 with the VPOTUS breaking a tie.