titsandsass.com A few of my fav write ups from their blog...

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  • ~Ze~
  • 06-04-2014, 02:51 PM
"We come from different backgrounds and locations, work as strippers, porn performers, pro-dommes, prostitutes, and have a love of ripping apart stereotypes. This is our space for calling out pop culture fails, celebrating sex worker culture, and talking shop."

Tits and Sass

So, Cyclone1996 linked to their blog on the Maya Angelou thread... and I have been stuck sifting through old write ups since. Some are really entertaining, some are a bit too one sided or opinions are way more extreme than I agree with, but overall there are good finds. Below I am linking to a few that I have really enjoyed.

Ridin’ Nerdy: Exploiting the Myth of the Fake Geek Girl

Invisible Men and Blind Curation

Is The Customer Always Right? On Professionalism and Boundaries, Part 1

Is The Customer Always Right? On Professionalism and Boundaries, Part 2

On Common Stripper Hustle Fails

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I liked the Ridin' Nerdy piece linked. It hit on multiple levels. It was quite refreshing to, even if by pure happenstance in some cases, come across fellow nerds in the hobby. I don't know if it empowers them to be able to nerd-out with a client; but it sure does for me! Seeing a Horde tattoo during doggie and making a "For the Horde!!!!" battlecry was not only funny, but quite a turn on!

As far as the thralls (no WoW pun intended) she mentions, I empathize. Especially after seeing it first hand at major cons and expos. The off-hour conversations over a glass of wine where some break down in tears about the day they went through, only to know they have a couple more ahead... ugh. Women/girls/females have an uphill battle in pretty much all aspects of nerdom and nerd-based industries. It's one thing to be aware of it and own what you can, a la the author, it's another to be cast into it unknowingly.
Ze, do you listen to the Whorecast? Good me it
  • !VI!
  • 06-05-2014, 05:52 AM

this is an amazing read! it hit so many good points, somethings i didn't understand due to lack of translation, but all and all it was an AMAZING READ, thank you for sharing this, (back to reading)
Ze, do you listen to the Whorecast? Good me it Originally Posted by CompanionSofia
I meant "google it"
Get these bitches an editor! Great content, great conceptual thinking but damn they can go on!. Somebody get out the red pen for these observant and intelligent women and teach them that less is always more, especially with the written word. Angelou, Woolf, Oates, Shelley, Atwood, Eliot, Morrison...literature would be barren without women of letters. "Be kind to your audience" is more than a statement of rhetorical position. If you said it in ten words, try it with the best five. 'Cause ladies, as we all know, bitches CAN go on. And shit!

Thanks, Ze! (No, that was legitimate, not an ass kiss).

"Why are women so much more interesting to men than men are to women?"
Virginia Woolf