Any providers interested in a free photo shoot

Boomer $ooner's Avatar
Looking to expand my photography portfolio to include adult entertainment. Looking for 2 to 3 ladies in which I would offer free services to establish good refernces among the eccie community. I use professional equipment and promise quality results. Any providers interested please email me at armyof12.tx.hillcountry@gmail. com
FS_ITC's Avatar
I've got a Polaroid and a VHS recorder! Can I take have some ladies that will pose for free (and maybe some small sexual favors?)?

Sorry. Couldn't resist chiming in on your thread. Hope you are able to get portfolio increased. If you need a male model to go with the stunning ladies, hit me up. (I was actually in a recent shoot! No, I'm not kidding!).
Boomer $ooner's Avatar
Not a single word will come out of my mouth in regards to looking for free sexual services. All I'm looking for is a reference in regards to my work. Any lady that wants to bring a male friend to participate is fine by me, however I will not be soliciting anyone for this. It will be sticktly up to the lady to choose who thay want in thier shoot.
FS_ITC's Avatar
You are very professional, sir. I applaud that.

Hope you didn't mind me poking a little fun, eh?
I ran an ad on Craigslist a few years ago, for free photography.
It was legit, I just wanted to build my portfolio, I wound up choosing 6 out of a zillion.

From sexy pics for hubby or boyfriend to straight up head shots for business purposes.
Boomer $ooner's Avatar
No offense taken at all
Guest110715-3's Avatar
I'm in for "head shots"! LOL
"Head shots"... Awesome.
new2atxs's Avatar
I do commercial and adult video editing if anyone needs my services
no glove no love's Avatar
A problem you will run into, is some are afraid to show their faces. Also they don't know how images will be used after they allow them to be taken.
Maybe come up with a contract limiting those fears, and you might have better luck.
God knows there's enough providers out there with crappy showcases.
pyramider's Avatar
I use finger paints to capture the ladies' taintness.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-12-2014, 12:49 PM
Much of this boils down to trust. Mainly due to anything put out on the web is there forever. If you wish to pursue Providers I'd suggest two things.
  1. Join P411 and search for Photo Friendly.
  2. Schedule a date prior to any shoot. It'll give you a better idea of what they look like, what they'll feel best about doing and some ideas about backgrounds/themes for them. (What I do)
If you look for non-providers you may want to join One Model Place. Many of the folks on there will do TFP (Time For Pics) to expand their portfolios as well.

I'm guessing that your own portfolio would be accesable via the web. I'd take GREAT care that no personal info is either displayed or embedded in the photo link. I ran across that last year and told the lady about it so the studio could fix it. If you're lucky enough to run across someone like Zasu Knight, who constantly has her "adventures" posted on her website, then you have no worries.

Lastly.....CYA. Post nothing here that hasn't been cleared with the lady or ladies. Get an email or PM with an OK.

Best of luck to you.