
Anyone have info on her?

Thank you in advance!
Should this be in "encounters"??????????
I've seen 2 other info requests. I was not sure where to put it. We don't have a request.
I have been curious too.
I am not a mod, but I would think that the co-ed discussions would come closest to the right place for information requests. I could certainly be wrong, but if you read the descriptions for whar each section is for, that comes closest ..imo.
I just checked a couple other cities/state pages and they have a "Requests and ISOs section. Perhaps we could persuade the mods to ad one here, unless it is prohibited by state statute.
"requests and ISO" is usually more for "Hey, I'm looking for Greek in X area, who's available" or "ISO Asian spinner tomorrow" not "any info on this girl".

Co-ed or Men's Lounge is a little better suited, in my mind.
joyote's Avatar
I thought we used to have a Requests & ISO’s folder
but can not find any evidence of that

WTX has one. idk why we don’t
the WTX folder has both kinds of iso’s described by abqspencer
both seem appropriate, to me
We did have a ISO & Requests section before the blackout. I seen 2 other requests in encounters which is why I posted in here.
joyote's Avatar
she seems attractive, genuine and promising, darnel, like many...
some develop into trusted local talent, some do not

until someone steps up to toft, and is then willing to post about her...
most of us will be watching and waiting, and hoping
She kinda looks like someone on SA, actually. I can't place her though.
"requests and ISO" is usually more for "Hey, I'm looking for Greek in X area, who's available" or "ISO Asian spinner tomorrow" not "any info on this girl".

Co-ed or Men's Lounge is a little better suited, in my mind. Originally Posted by abqspencer
I agree with your point here Spence. When I go to Encounter I expect the lurid details to confirm my impressions or steer me in a different direction. After all this is all just entertainment value discussions.

As Joyote says
she seems attractive, genuine and promising .

That is as far as images can go. I'll be observing for now.
james1550's Avatar
Seeking information on a provider should have been in the men's lounge or if you haven't no premium account in the coeds, at least that's where I've found this done on the Oklahoma section.