Hello to all. Congratulations to TBone and his Staff. I have lurked a bit, but for the most part have taken some time away from all Boards, which was good for my head and my other obligations.

As I cruised around ECCIE, a number of things caught my eye. In particular a thread by notanewbie, titled "Hambone Spoke, but what happen?"

As several commented in the thread, I did ask for cooperation following the raid and I received exemplary cooperation above anything I previously experienced. You deserved answers and conclusions.

I expect to be attacked anyway, so that is not a big concern. I will offer the following explanation in my delay in giving out information and then ask the Administration of this Board to confirm I may post my own conclusions. It confirmed, I will. If it is not obvious, I have no position and therfore no control here.

The raid was unnerving, which was clearly one of several Vice intents. While we scrambled to figure out what the hell happened and how, there were concerns about protecting members and Providers. There were also concerns about not letting too much out while effort continued to receive information. Of course, regardless of how you want to describe it, there was an instantaneous change of management and control of aspd. I disagreed with much of what was said, the way it was said, and things that were done. I was trying to protect myself and my position as I doubted I could accomplish anything if I was also ousted from the ranks of Mod.

I was specifically ordered NOT to divulge information to protect the fact that we knew what was being done. I felt the information needed to go out, but did not buck the system immediately. Before long, the Founder passed and the implosion occurred.

1. I am personally satisfied that no one at aspd "leaked" or "ratted out" any information or list. I found nothing to support a concern that someone had made a deal.

2. I am personally satisfied that no one directly connected with aspd let any Law Enforcement people into the party. There was some concern that someone with the Club may have so acted, but I did not see anything to support this. I do believe someone from the Club may have unknowingly let L.E. enter when L.E. gave someone else's name off the list.

3. L.E.'s main portal for entry into our world was as brilliant as it was simple. Those plans usually work very well. If Administration confirms permission, I will add to this thread and explain. You will be surprised at my detail and support.

It is clear to me that my old enemies are still my enemies. I am tired of all that. If they wish to attack they can. Let my silence simply show I am silent -- no more, no less.

I will also comment that the final weeks of ASPD were very difficult and unpleasant for the Staff. While many of you disagreed about some things and others about most things, the majority of the Staff put in long hours and quite a bit of effort to try to keep things running while protecting Members and Providers. Like me or hate me, I tried to follow and apply the rules; there is no point in debating it any further.

I am honored to still be listed as a Mod at Home2 and to have the benefits associated with being a Mod (over there). In my experience there is a large downside to being a Mod and I have not been active as I have not wanted to experience the downside. I do get curious at times, hence the cruising here and the decision to register (today) so I can post.

Like me or hate me, I still wish all of you the best.

THE Hambone

Admins, please advise.
simpleton's Avatar
I wondered what happened to you. It's good to hear from you and hope you stay awhile.
dearhunter's Avatar
Hambone, I know that you an I have politely disagreed on ck1942.

But, if you are going to bring this out in the open, you should just state the information and allow closure of the chapter.
While I could care less about the raid and all its fallout, I am glad to see you here Hambone. Now I will publically state what I have written you before:

Thank you!

As for the rest who don't like you... feed 'em tacos man. Have fun and enjoy the show!
notanewbie's Avatar
Hambone, the thread you mentioned was NOT to judge you in any way. I was really just curious what the last chapter was. I stood next to you at that social and could see the pain you felt at what was going down. I respected that greatly and have respect for what you had done in your position as a mod. I for one have no ill will towards you and hope only the best for you.

Please go get laid and write about it so I can soon forget the "other" review about your old pal.



and Welcome!
dearhunter's Avatar
Hey nan, when is the last time you went to Sonic............I'm just asking?
It is easier to ask forgiveness than for permission. Post it and deal with the fall our later!
Notanewbie, I never took any offense to the referenced thread (or any other you started). I thought the point was well made and valid.

Vice had registered agents onto ASPD by simply joining as most of the other members. The females posted in Welcome Wagon and got some "hard dick" replies. It should ring a bell when I mention that some of the female L.E. wrote that they just could not figure out how to post a photo. They instantly got advice and all kinds of offers to come and help them, but they never accepted (to my knowlege). Photos that were posted showed lots of legs and other parts of the figure, but always clothed.

Some of the male undercovers engaged in discussions with the female officers, bantering back and forth which got them known and increased their post counts. There were reviews by male UCs of the female UC. If you realize what they were doing, then the actual wording makes perfect (and obvious) sense. Descriptions were always "she is incredibly good at what she does" or "she attacks her job with vigor..." I remember one female writing how much she enjoyed her job and the special satisfaction she felt from doing it well.

The big payoff was when we realized the IP from which they all registered WAS LITERALLY HPD!

I never saw a guest list for the party in question, but I believe some of the undercovers got in as reviewed providers who pre-vouched for their male counterparts.

Attempts were made to slip in a few more UCs pre-raid by having a male show up at the door with two females, claim they were new Providers and asking (beging) to be let in. CivilBarrister held one such threesome at the door and came for CK (I witnessed), telling him they were not on the list, it did not seem right and they would not go away. CK went to handle it and convinced them to leave. I understand they were good looking women, so the expectation was hormones would lead the mn to let them in. CB and CK probably protected some of us from giving in to temptation thru the "I am a new Provider trying to get established, so I would love to provide . . . for a discounted rate.

They did have one or more male club workers handling the door during part of the time. I suspect some UCs slipped in either by claiming they were a name on the list or saying they were new and asking nicely.

The door should always be handled by at least two people who know the membership or have a way of being sure UCs are not slipping in. Only pre-authorized people should be let in.

I believe the majority of the Raid came in on signal of some sort.

FWIW, I had stood in line for at least 30 minutes (it was very cold) and had just received my pasta when the yelling started. One of Houston's finest (dressed like Al-Quaida) took the plate away from me as I walked back into the building.

At least some of the Providers saw my post which stated that I suggest they make sure anyone they see has been seen by someone who is established and not a Provider registered in the last few months.

Thankfully, the Party Rules were largely followed and one of our Members, having been offered a discount service, loudly replied "No, I do not want a BJ. I do not want to talk about that..." I still wonder if I would have been that smart under those circumstances.

While I never looked at criminal records, I understand the Providers who had problems after the raid had problems resuting from open warrants or immigration concerns.

I hopethis answers some of the questions.

THE Hambone
Mojojo's Avatar
Thanks for all your efforts and service! I applaud you for giving us closure on this matter and finally closing this chapter!
notanewbie's Avatar
Hey nan, when is the last time you went to Sonic............I'm just asking? Originally Posted by dearhunter

I was getting all sincere and shit and you drop a "sonic" on me?

Oh and can I get that hookup on som e of that ball salve GSO3??

just askin
  • dhemm
  • 04-06-2010, 05:06 PM
Welcome back Hambone.!
Great job at the end of ASPD .
You showed great integrity and poise in the middle of a meltdown .
Most would have unplugged the computer if put in your position .
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Hammy: Thanks for that update and all the good info.

....and its good to see you are around and doing ok.
blowpop's Avatar
Good to see you, Hambone. I hope all is well with you. And thank you for posting more info about what happened.
carkido45's Avatar
Going to socials is just one big mistake waiting to happen and it did.
Put yourself out in the open and it was bound too happen sooner or later and it did.
I could have had someone vouch for me but that wouldn't be wise going to the socials. Everyone knew LE was on ASPD.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Going to socials is just one big mistake waiting to happen and it did.
Put yourself out in the open and it was bound too happen sooner or later and it did.
I could have had someone vouch for me but that wouldn't be wise going to the socials. Everyone knew LE was on ASPD. Originally Posted by carkido45

There is nothing wrong with socials. Of course LE was all over ASPD, and I am sure they are all over this Board as well.

Accepting a proposition from someone or carrying drugs is a problem.