OMG it got good then it got really bad!

IronMan's Avatar
All was well at the home front! Then three days later the shit hits the fan!
I Had to go to the hospital for follow-up on the accident for the insurance!
They required a full heart work up so cell phone could not be on during tests and was left with my clothes. Wife picks up cell phone to channel calls for my work without me knowing!
Now this is after all the shit had calm down.
A girl (20 year old) I was seeing had an emergency she claims and texted me to help her read her email on Yahoo you know to see if she had any appointments!
My wife text her back and told her to do it herself, The girl being young and inexperienced and she text back saying why because I owe you a few sessions?
My wife text back no because he is in the hospital and I have his cell phone.
He cannot do it and you are a big girl do it yourself!
Ok that should of been the end right!
No fucken way the young girl proceeds to textl my wife and calls her a bitch and says I am a full grown women,
Wife text so he is screwing you?
She says no cause
On the text then tells her you should not worry about me I am a 20 year old and he is old enough to be my father!

If I was you I would be worried about; so and so she is 40 years old and also so and so she is 30 years old, and you need to worry about so and so she was 35 years old! (Left blank to protect the girls)
OMG I do have a little pull with my wife but this does make it hard when the 20 year old should of just shut up when she knew it was my wife. adding the other stuff was the problem!
I have to say the 20 year old is now blocked from my phone and I have to promise not to see her ever again. And I am now under the microscope!
It is my BAD so no one is to blame. Well maybe a little of the attitude and imaturity of the 20 year old!
Just doing lots of repair here at home lol! sharing it to help others but I know several things;
1. Allowed the 20 year old to know too much about me!
2. Should never allow the phone out of my site!
3. Glad a few of the ladies mentioned, my wife and I had threesomes with in the past or I would be dead meat after all this!
Maintaining my status as a hobbyist!
God I sure hope this is the end!
pS thanks to those who asked I am ok nothing broken! Head bruised shoulder and knee sore!
Ego flattened looking for new ATF grin!
Good god, it's just not your month, is it, sweetie? I'm sorry for your troubles and I hope things start looking up for you.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Good God man....get a friggin hobby phone already!!! Turn it off and hide it when not in active use. And stick with the more mature ladies....30+ only.

How many stories do we have to hear about guys getting busted via their cell phone? There threads all over ECCIE about hobby phones!
Be very careful what you tell or text to anyone. A few years ago I met a girl who was pissed at a guy. She starts ranting and next thing I know she pulls about a one inch stack of printouts of every email this guy wrote.

I had a provider tell me once, she had lost my phone number but looked it up on an old email. This email was at least a year old. It's all out there to come back and haunt you.

I am sorry you ran into the hassle, but I hope we all at least learn to cover our trail. We all get careless and need to be reminded.
I really hope things get better for you.
Ugh. Good luck with all that.

Yet another perfect example of why discretion is so important. Where are all you guys who say, "text me anytime you want to! I love it! In fact, let's catch a matinee!!" ?!?!

This is why ladies should never, ever, ever text just for the fuck of it. You never know who is at the other end of the phone.
aaaccck!! This is giving me heart palpitations. Didn't anybody ever watch "Mission Impossible" or "The Bourne Identity" or something like that where you have to behave like a secret agent?

Don't tell a 20 year old (or anyone) the names of other ladies you've seen! or are seeing.

But girl owes you dates? and is asking for help opening her emails? This all sounds very very bad.

The girl is frying you! Between texting, and the high level of indiscretion, her getting advances on dates is small potatoes.
lionheart's Avatar
Damn, Ironman, as uncle jessie on the dukes of hazzard used to say...if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have no luck at all!

Where are all you guys who say, "text me anytime you want to! I love it! In fact, let's catch a matinee!!" ?!?! Originally Posted by Dannie
Dannie, you can text me anytime you want to!...and I've got a couple of ideas for the matinee
I guess I should have read the first thread confused.

So the SO knows you hobby?......seriously, brave man.

So what happen to the counter productive 20 year old? who communicates with the SO, instead of run in a corner.

I hope things get better for you.
Okay read the first thread.

Umm not sure what genre of music you listen to, but may I suggest a singer who begs for mercy, Keith Sweat is a personal favorite, he is always begging for forgiveness in his songs. You may have to do some crying and begging, and sleeping in the same room with the SO. Rub her feet, massage her back, and do the housework. Use that bottle of pills you had and use it on her. Make her queen for a week.

Good grief......good luck and here is a hug.
IronMan's Avatar
Wife knows I run a hobby board. She is open to a point! She does not know ok she use to not know I hobbied. But kind of might suspect now. well she knows the other ladies the 20 year old rat-ed out. The young girl has read the reviews to see who else I am with and has made a commnet a few times!! Wife and I in the past over a year ago use to see these ladies in threesomes. Wife now not into it cause she has gained weight. I continued to see them on my own! So the metion of them did very little harm!
She is not sure of the 20 year old. The 20 year old was a girl who needed money and claimed to do anything when she showed up at my workplace looking for a job. She was built like a model and really cute. Rather than hiring her I showed her a hobby website explained escorting and she became a really good one on this site. I have helped her to stay out of trouble, away from pimps, away from drugs and she has done real well for herself. She made a lot of money in Dallas Last week and I guess she is a pro now and does not need me so she got rid of me by her imaturity. She is a real cutie not going to mention any names cause that is not fair but she was wrong and imature to text back to the wife once she knew it was her. But the bottom line is it is my fault I got a little loose with it all. it is my bad and no one else to blame!

I guess I should have read the first thread confused.

So the SO knows you hobby?......seriously, brave man.

So what happen to the counter productive 20 year old? who communicates with the SO, instead of run in a corner.

I hope things get better for you. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
TexTushHog's Avatar
You may have been better off to stay in the hospital and just have the heart attack.
IronMan's Avatar
OMG I laugh at you response till I feel on the floor!
It was the best advice and you are right!!
It is what I get for advancing funds and trying to help someone who is very ungrateful!
But we all learn!
PS saw her most recent ad. It is funny she is asking guys to bring their wives to the session??
so guys bring yo wife in lets have fun lol
Maybe that is it I never brought mine and she is mad at me grin!
  • Holly
  • 08-24-2010, 09:44 AM
All was well at the home front! Then three days later the shit hits the fan!
I Had to go to the hospital for follow-up on the accident for the insurance!
They required a full heart work up so cell phone could not be on during tests and was left with my clothes. Wife picks up cell phone to channel calls for my work without me knowing!
Now this is after all the shit had calm down.
A girl (20 year old) I was seeing had an emergency she claims and texted me to help her read her email on Yahoo you know to see if she had any appointments!
My wife text her back and told her to do it herself, The girl being young and inexperienced and she text back saying why because I owe you a few sessions?
My wife text back no because he is in the hospital and I have his cell phone.
He cannot do it and you are a big girl do it yourself!
Ok that should of been the end right!
No fucken way the young girl proceeds to textl my wife and calls her a bitch and says I am a full grown women,
Wife text so he is screwing you?
She says no cause
On the text then tells her you should not worry about me I am a 20 year old and he is old enough to be my father!

If I was you I would be worried about; so and so she is 40 years old and also so and so she is 30 years old, and you need to worry about so and so she was 35 years old! (Left blank to protect the girls)
OMG I do have a little pull with my wife but this does make it hard when the 20 year old should of just shut up when she knew it was my wife. adding the other stuff was the problem!
I have to say the 20 year old is now blocked from my phone and I have to promise not to see her ever again. And I am now under the microscope!
It is my BAD so no one is to blame. Well maybe a little of the attitude and imaturity of the 20 year old!
Just doing lots of repair here at home lol! sharing it to help others but I know several things;
1. Allowed the 20 year old to know too much about me!
2. Should never allow the phone out of my site!
3. Glad a few of the ladies mentioned, my wife and I had threesomes with in the past or I would be dead meat after all this!
Maintaining my status as a hobbyist!
God I sure hope this is the end!
pS thanks to those who asked I am ok nothing broken! Head bruised shoulder and knee sore!
Ego flattened looking for new ATF grin! Originally Posted by IronMan
She is 20.....what did you really expect??
Man that is horrible, and I sympathize for you. What a little hoodie, I can't believe she got into a "text war" with your WIFE!!

But when I read "20yr old" .... nuff said...

But it's funny, cuz when I was 20, 21, or even 22 I never acted like some of these girls (that I hear all of these horrible stories about on these boards....IronMan,Tiggold, etc etc.)'s just sad, and unfortunate.

My 0.02cents.
Italiana Princess