Splain this.... What is Coke Bottle Body Type?

TryWeakly's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Depends. Whether you're talkin' plastic or glass!
from left to right





2000 to date

(ignored the can)
TryWeakly's Avatar
You two can do better.... come on... I know you can do it.

Dont make Brooke come in here hit it from the three point line.....
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I hit the ground when she said she has a "coco" body type. Best laugh I've had all month.
here's your plastic 3 liter

Fancyinheels's Avatar
However the provider that the OP referenced describes herself and whatever dramatic curtains have fallen on her, can't say she hasn't worked hard on redefining her shape. I applaud and admire her efforts there.

I don't want to be compared to a bottle, although "tall glass of whiskey" would be okay. "Savory Irish Tart" works fine.

Notice how food and sex are often linked together? It's a decadently delicious dance of metaphors!

What is NOT so tasty is why some people bother making insinuations about bodies they have no intention of renting. Doesn't add anything of data validity to the "escort client community information exchange," ya know.
TryWeakly's Avatar
But I prefer diet coke over original formula.

Actually it all depends on how thirsty I am..... sometimes I drink a 2 liter, BUT I never let my friends see me do it.

Sometimes I like little mexican Cokes....

Thats the nice thing...always a flavor for whatever mood.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
A dash of Coke Zero to pollute my Jameson, please, but if I feel like binging, real sugar Mex CC in a glass bottle.

Wasn't there a discussion in the Sandbox on this?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
For TW:

TryWeakly's Avatar
Caffeine free?

I like it.

(I before E, except after C and F)
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
But I prefer diet coke over original formula.

Originally Posted by TryWeakly
If I was a mod, these 8 little words would of earned you 10 points.

Diet coke is so NASTY if I even accidently sip one little drink, I will be in a bad mood for however long that taste remains in my mouth.

As a matter of fact, I'm feeling a little moody right now just thinking about that stuff.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Caffeine free?

I like it.

(I before E, except after C and F) Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Oh my God and I just saw this ....

Do I even know you????????

TryWeakly's Avatar


Mistake, I totally need my caffeine.... Cortana and Siri were having a beef.
TryWeakly's Avatar
For TW:

Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Spank you, er, thank you.