Just under a 1/4 mil jobs add in June.

This is not going to be a good selling point for the candidates on the down side of this news.
I think they will come back with...we are going to give everyone a living wage including illegals and don't worry about working...it will be direct deposit!!
They know how to one up Trump. https://thehill.com/policy/finance/4...-economy-labor
Right. The media won't publicize the good news in Trump's favor and will provide "stink" for any possible bad news.

Anyone remember when Obama said if he couldn't get UE down to below 8% before 2012 he didn't deserve to be re-elected? The media and the swamp went out of their way to make sure the UE rate was exactly 8.0% a week before the election?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Good news. Pity you have to coat it in lies and hyperpartisan bullshit.

Right, it's CNN's business website. Same with CNBC. When I see considerable airtime on the nightly news I'll consider it "mainstream media" approved.

Strange, I saw your hyperpartisan disapproval of the 4th of July DC parade and no approval of the unifying speech President Trump made at that event.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
JUnlike you, I quoted articles explaining why Trump’s personal hijacking(off) on the FOJ was objectionable.

You fellas post good news and try and use it to attack others.

Figure it out. And quite being such a

Unlike you, I quoted articles explaining why Trump’s personal hijacking(off) on the FOJ was objectionable.

You fellas post good news and try and use it to attack others.

Figure it out. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You don't like a good job market and low unemployment...I understand you like open borders.
The two of these are polar opposites...one grows the country the other destroys it...GOTCHA!!
Your last sentence makes as much sense as your legalizing immigration statement.
Everything Trump does is objectionable to you and everyone on the left...what's new??
This is comedy gold:
Quote from YR...

"You fellas post good news and try and use it to attack others".

Can ANYONE explain this statement!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-05-2019, 04:18 PM
YR's statement does not fit the DPST narrative - thus good job market and low unemployment equals Hate speech and must be denied with propaganda until the narrative is re-established.

Anything a conservative says is an ATTACK and Hate speech to the paranoid, insecure DPST's - it is why they are completely devoted to control to compensate for their massive sense of inferiority.

Enough with psychology - they love psychobabble - but will deny the above Opinion.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah isn't it funny how the progressives work , they are Phobic racist, sexist haters BUT anytime you question or debate them your the problem,,,,,,,
bambino's Avatar
Good news. Pity you have to coat it in lies and hyperpartisan bullshit.

https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/05/econo...ort/index.html Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And your not hyperpartisan? What a joke.
JUnlike you, I quoted articles explaining why Trump’s personal hijacking(off) on the FOJ was objectionable.

You fellas post good news and try and use it to attack others.

Figure it out. And quite being such a

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox...bs-report-2019 Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Why not just say the truth?

You people on the left hate Trump and want to "impeach that motherfucker" no matter what at this point!

Instead you desperately try to find negatives and fixate on racial division of the country that the left constantly provokes for cynical political gain.

If the left would just accept he is doing a good job and he would negotiate any issue they want and he is pretty liberal on social issues that matter to the left, such as gay marriage, then we could heal the rift.

Instead the left wants their own person no matter what.
LexusLover's Avatar

You fellas post good news and try and use it to attack others.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's rich right there ....

... YR prefers FAKE BAD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YR ... learning to persuade a rub girl to take off her own thong might be an option for you!!!!!!!!!!

But here's the REALLY BAD NEWS ... and it's not fake!!!

When all these illegal aliens finally get to come out of the closet (so to speak) and start working legitimately at one of those new jobs that Trump is producing by his policies and hopes for the future, then all those folks won't have to rely on FREE STUFF and the DNC LOONS any more ..... they can start voting for those who ...

... produced the job they have with their policies and they will become invested with the independence from government they never had and start enjoying not having a government person sticking their nose in their personal lives and business, like telling them who to raise their kids and spend their money, and become Republicans!!!! .... have their own money, their own health insurance, their own schools, their own doctors, and insurance for their own cars!!!!!!!!

Poor Little YR and his ILK will be shit out of luck!!!

Then they won't want "popular voting," but will want the "Electoral College" and CLOSED BORDERS so those worthless Republicans will stop sneaking into the country and voting their assess out of office, because they keep trying to tax them to give Black people (their words not mine!!!!!!!) their hard earned money!!!!!!!And if anyone thinks Hispanics as a whole are not "prejudice" you live in a delusional world. They have "class" structures in their "fatherlands"!

IMO most people in the Western Hemisphere want to work for a living and enjoy freedom. IMO most want government to keep their nose out of their business and lives. They will find out soon enough with the LiberalSocialistAntiTrumpers in charge that they won't have less government nosing into their lives, but will have more! Their response won't be to flee back home. They will make Antifa ...

... look like the pussies they really are.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
YR's statement does not fit the DPST narrative - thus good job market and low unemployment equals Hate speech and must be denied with propaganda until the narrative is re-established.

Anything a conservative says is an ATTACK and Hate speech to the paranoid, insecure DPST's - it is why they are completely devoted to control to compensate for their massive sense of inferiority.

Enough with psychology - they love psychobabble - but will deny the above Opinion. Originally Posted by oeb11
You know what they say about opinions...
You know what they say about opinions... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What is your opinion on "legalizing immigration"??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is legal, bb1961. Why do you keep asking that broken record shit?

How else do you think your family got here from (insert playground catcall here)?

Or HIS??