A request of the providers in LV

iso_women's Avatar
I am writing some fiction and one of the characters is posing as an escort in LV. Can some of y'all give me some of your experiences getting hassled by casino personnel for being (or being suspected of being) an escort in Sin City? I need her to have a run in with casino security and have zero knowledge of what would actually transpire.

I know there are people at the elevators that check for room keys.

How soon can you get approached?
Are there things that bring on being questioned more readily? (Once upon a time I would think that dressing provocatively would do it but the girls waiting to get into some of these clubs look 10 times sluttier than any escort I've ever seen. The sad thing is some of them are probably going to get fucked and have nothing to show but regret.)
Do they ask you about being there?
Can you talk your way through?
What happens if you don't have a room key but claim to be with your husband in room x? Will they call and check?
Do they ask for ID?

Note: I am not asking about LE. While she is not LE, the role is a cover that she could easily just reveal if she had to. I would rather she make it to the room without being revealed if possible.

Thanks for your help.