~The Voters Have Spoken~

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  • Toyz
  • 10-25-2014, 07:45 AM
Good morning Whores & Mongers of same!

How is everyone this cool, clear beautiful Saturday Fall morning?

Coming to you from ToYz Deck, I've got a full pot-o-peets-coffee and some voting results to share with the masses.

The poles have closed due to a Global Viagra shortage, but the polls have stayed open until recently & we can now confirm the results!

Our "RATE DAT HO" Family Feud version has been tallied & totaled, graphed & colated. The means & the norms deducted. The apex plotted & the A/B Axis populated.

For the first time in RATE DAT HO history, a Hoogar is judged to have a fair rate by the voting public. Imagine that!?!?! Are you stunned?
I have a real treat for you this morning as local long time Monger on the Austin scene Mr Spock in on ToYz deck this morning. Mr Spock is a regular of Sweet Mimi, although he didn't vote in the poll (says its illogical to question if MiMi is worth her rate).
He will be explaining the results to you using his uncanny Vulcan Logic Magic 8 Ball...

Thank you for the gracious welcome ToYz. I must say the Romulan Ale last night was a very nice vintage.
Hello Austin Hos & Bros. Its my pleasure to reveal the results of the "RATE DAT HO" Family Feud Edition. I see MiMi every time I need a Ho fix. She is just kinky enough, loves my "Nice Vulcan Cawk" although its not her favorite or the Beegest.

MiMi has a very pretty little pussy. It is in the shape of a perfect "V" for "Vulcan". Although ToYz keeps telling me "It stands for Vagina you pointy eared whoredog" we all know the truth.

The GPS had gone out on our ship & Scotty (a MiMi regular too, although he needs a ton of Viagra to stay alive when he does), was working to find MiMis northside love nest. We had no idea where we were boldly fucking going to be quite honest.

Here Captain Kirk & I had a very quick shore leave & everyone wanted to pop MiMi...even mini dicked checkov and "damn it Jim I can't get it up" Bones (no idea why they call him bones-he couldn't get an erection with a bottle of Viagra & 27 virgins dancing in front of him), but I digress...here the Captain & I are passing as I finish up y hour and Captain Kirk rushes in for his. MiMi doesn't schedule back to back, but we were pressed for time so she made an exception.

We've been working on getting a group session set up with AWhora (that's what we call her on the ship) Kirk, MiMi & myself...

If you held a phaser to my head, I would probably have to say my favorite part of MiMi is her tiny little soft/hard ass. Its about this size.

So, now you know, my favorite Hoogar in town is Sweet Mimi. And the voters seem to support that logical theory.

Here is how the voters felt with 60%of the voters saying she was worth her asking rate or slightly more.

Guess that shows that the voters are going to reward Hoogars when they think they are worth what they ask, eh?

Its only logical...

Be watching for the next "RATE DAT HO" cumming soon!