Sex worker/Stripper Charity Tech Camp

I want to start a charity camp for sex workers and strippers where they go to a free camp and get taught a technology certification like A+. There can even be a shorts on screening clients with tech (though the goal is to get them out of sex work, at least they will be seeing somewhat safer clients since they are heavily screened)

I want it to be a camp where they come, have a stable roof over their head, are fed healthy foods, and can learn in an environment where they feel safe to ask all the newbie questions they want.

There would have to be a class on how to get a real job with a prostitution or drug charge on your record.

There would also be an post graduation class where they learn how to write a resume and practice interviewing skills. There would also be a career center available where the girls would have help in finding a real world job using their new certification.

I need sponsorship. Anyone have any ideas on companies that would not be ashamed to sponsor this?
LexusLover's Avatar
There would also be an post graduation class where they learn how to write a resume and practice interviewing skills. There would also be a career center available where the girls would have help in finding a real world job using their new certification. Originally Posted by honeydavis

and then

Have you ever heard of the Helen Keller school of mountain climbing?
txswing99's Avatar

This is a fantastic idea!

When i first entered the hobby scene years ago in Dallas, I became friends with one of the first providers i went to and helped her with her laptop and put together the computer security she felt she needed for her business. She introduced me to a number of other providers to help them with the same. During those working sessions, i heard a lot of stories about their experiences. I definitely see where this would be of a lot of interest to other providers.

As to putting it together, I suspect that discretion would be important to all involved. In addition, perhaps an association with a sex workers rights and advocacy organization might help, like or Over the years, I recall a few providers that spoke about some of these topics and organizations.

Good luck and let me know how the effort goes...

Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 08-20-2011, 10:43 AM
...though the goal is to get them out of sex work...

There would have to be a class on how to get a real job...

I need sponsorship. Anyone have any ideas on companies that would not be ashamed to sponsor this? Originally Posted by honeydavis
If she knows what she is doing and loves providing, she can retire sooner in this profession than the typical "real" job.

Even if I am still in the work force, not ashaming to this hobby, I would never sponsor your camp. Why? Because it takes too much time, patient, money, and luck for a person like me to get sex... So, I need my providers!

and then

Have you ever heard of the Helen Keller school of mountain climbing? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I think she means well, and sometimes it is better to have someone who is in the "sex trade" themselves to help motivate someone else who is also in the same said business.

I would take Txswing99's advice and contact some of the "sex trade workers organizations" about getting help with setting something like that up.

You can also go to and contact them for help as well.

Good luck to you in your endeavor on this!
txswing: you are the first that "gets it". Please PM me your info that you use outside of this board (what you are willing to share). I would love to talk to you more.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think she means well, and sometimes it is better to have someone who is in the "sex trade" themselves to help motivate someone else who is also in the same said business. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
No doubt she means well, and I agree on the motivation point, 100%. My point is, and will be, that there are substantial resources available through local community colleges, which is why we pay tax dollars to support them, that provide academic and vocational programs to assist people in career changes from learning skills to placement assistance.

The "camp" atmosphere, on the surface, appears to be an effort to draw those like minded-similarly situated persons into a group, which often has the affect of isolating them or continuing their isolation among their "associates" rather than compelling them to blend into the training and workforce, which the community college environment does.

I am just suggesing to utilize the existing infrastructure and established institutions which have on staff professionals in the business of training potential employees and assisting in pairing them with jobs, when those same staff members have developed contacts in the job market to facilitate and expedite the transition.

Trying to re-invent the wheel is commendable, but redundant. The bottom line, IMO, is the same as the process of stopping smoking or any addictive/dependent activity, it has to be a personal decision to make a change and all the counseling, patches, meetings, support groups, "buddies," and "sponsors" have little if any help, unless the individual is ready to move through the process of modifying lifestyle and behavior.

And before anyone goes off on a tangent, I am not suggesting that "providing" is inherently addictive any more than hobbying is, the "addiction" may be more closely associated with the freedom of schedules and "self-employment" mixed with the ability to engage in gainful activities that will provide a better lifestyle than might be initially realized in the transition through a career change. The "pain" of "withdrawal."
Wakeup's Avatar
Two words for this idea...epic fail...

Hookers/strippers and real life go together like Rice Krispies and lighter fluid...
LexusLover's Avatar
Hookers/strippers and real life go together like Rice Krispies and lighter fluid... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Got a match?
simpleton's Avatar
Whoa... Are you telling me that most chicks don't like screwing for money? I thought they liked the freedom of making their own schedule, being their own boss, the money, the attention.
simpleton's Avatar
Why not have a camp for dudes to learn how to get free pussy.
LexusLover's Avatar pussy. Originally Posted by simpleton
What's that?
txswing99's Avatar
Why not have a camp for dudes to learn how to get free pussy. Originally Posted by simpleton
Isn't that just Spring Break! or, Vegas!