Lock him up right now. Trump foments future sedition at Conroe rally.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
In one weekend, the idiot monster Trump:

1) Conceded he lost the 2020 election
2) Confirmed he pressured Pence to overturn the EC
3) offered pardons to the Jan 6 mob if he gets elected again
4) Called for similar “protests” in Georgia, NY and DC if he doesn’t get his way

Defend that, my friends.


Quiet part loud: Trump says Pence ‘could have overturned the election’
In statement protesting against reform of Electoral Count Act, ex-president appears to admit Joe Biden won

Donald Trump was accused of “saying the quiet part loud” on Sunday night, when he protested that Mike Pence, his former vice-president, could have overturned his election defeat by Joe Biden.

Though he has appeared to admit Biden won before, Trump usually insists he won and his opponent stole the election through voter fraud – the “big lie” which animates rallies like one in Conroe, Texas, on Saturday.

On Sunday Trump attempted to seize on moves by a bipartisan group of senators to reform the Electoral Count Act of 1887, which Trump tried to use to have Pence refuse to certify Biden’s victory.

Pence concluded he did not have the authority to do so. On the same day, 6 January 2021, supporters Trump told to “fight like hell” attacked the US Capitol.

Seven people died and more than 100 police officers were hurt. More than 700 people have been charged, 11 with seditious conspiracy. Trump and his aides are the target of congressional investigation.

But Trump survived impeachment when enough Senate Republicans stayed loyal and is free to run for office.

On Saturday, he promised pardons for 6 January rioters if re-elected and exhorted followers to protest against investigations of his business and political affairs in New York and Georgia.

In a statement on Sunday, Trump claimed “fraud and many other irregularities” in the 2020 election – no large-scale fraud has been found – and asked: “How come the Democrats and … Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the vice-president to change the results of the election?

“Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power. He could have overturned the election!”

Collins, of Maine, was one of seven Republicans to vote to convict Trump over the Capitol attack. Such is his grip on her party, on Sunday she would not say she would not support him if he ran again. But she did tell ABC why she wanted to reform the Electoral Count Act.

“We saw, on 6 January 2021, how ambiguities, simple law, were exploited. We need to prevent that from happening again. I’m hopeful that we can come up with a bipartisan bill that will make very clear that the vice-president’s role is simply ministerial, that he has no ability to halt the count.”

Dick Durbin of Illinois, a member of Democratic Senate leadership, said reform to the electoral college process was merited because Trump gambits including false slates of electors “really raise a question about the integrity of that process. It hasn’t been looked at for 150 years. Now’s the time.”

Pundits seized on Trump’s latest apparent blunder into the truth.

Bill Kristol, a conservative writer, said: “Talk about saying the quiet part loud. Trump here admits or rather boasts [about] what he wanted Mike Pence to do.”

Chris Krebs, fired as head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency under Trump but who pronounced the 2020 election “the most secure in US history”, said: “In the last 24 hours the former president: (1) floated pardons for [January 6] defendants, (2) encouraged civil unrest if he’s indicted in [Georgia or New York], (3) once again confirmed he pressured Pence to overturn a lawful election.

“He’s radicalizing his base to be his personal Brown Shirts.”

Olivia Troye, a former Pence aide, wrote: “Every Republican candidate and official should go on record with their answer: Do you support sedition and pardoning domestic terrorists?”

An erosion of democratic norms. An escalating climate emergency. Corrosive racial inequality. A crackdown on the right to vote. Rampant pay inequality. America is in the fight of its life.
matchingmole's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
That may have been the stupidist thing Trump has done, and that's saying a lot. I imagine the fear has kicked into high with him. His day is coming, and he knows it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
https://t.me/CandlesInTheNight/30606 Originally Posted by bambino
Already has its own thread. Obviously your phishing site is delivering you the good word a few days Late !


matchingmole's Avatar
https://t.me/TrumpFartsInTheNight/30606 Originally Posted by bambino
TechPapi's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
An erosion of democratic norms. An escalating climate emergency. Corrosive racial inequality. A crackdown on the right to vote. Rampant pay inequality. America is in the fight of its life.
The priorities of the left crack me up, you forgot about the oppressed trainies though.
TechPapi's Avatar
The priorities of the left crack me up, you forgot about the oppressed trainies though. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

What's a trainie? Someone working their way up drumpf's ass?
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump is a bigger threat to our democracy than the communists ever were. He actually said the election could have been overturned by the sitting VP, and asked him to do it. Thank God for Mike Pence standing up to him.....unlike the other Republicans.

VitaMan's Avatar
Beside his statements this week end, here is what he doing during the time it was happening.

VitaMan's Avatar
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump is a bigger threat to our democracy than the communists ever were. He actually said the election could have been overturned by the sitting VP, and asked him to do it. Thank God for Mike Pence standing up to him.....unlike the other Republicans. Originally Posted by VitaMan
That ~IS~ democracy. If an election is done in an unconstitutional manner, then it is Pence’s duty to not certify it. With the recent ruling in Pennsylvania, the court said that it was exactly that.

From CNN no less >>> https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/28/polit...nal/index.html

So Pence was derelict in his duties.
TechPapi's Avatar
That ~IS~ democracy. If an election is done in an unconstitutional manner, then it is Pence’s duty to not certify it. With the recent ruling in Pennsylvania, the court said that it was exactly that.

From CNN no less >>> https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/28/polit...nal/index.html

So Pence was derelict in his duties. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

This will be overturned shortly by the PA Supreme Court. Just wait a bit. I'm sure you'll be completely accepting of that ruling when it comes.

Also, newsflash for those like you that appear to have reading comprehension issues...the article you linked in no way declared that the election or vote count was unconstitutional or fraudulent. Nice try though. I'm sure most people that agree with you don't (can't) read the article.
Don’t expect them to actually read, even things they cite. This was brought before courts before to no avail. The elections stood. Further, it was bipartisan legislation passed before Covid which was not challenged at the time.

This tells you all you need to know.

The law, known as Act 77, was enacted in late 2019 with strong bipartisan support. But in September, more than a dozen Republicans in the state House -- most of whom voted for the law -- filed suit, asserting that the changes made to absentee voting were unconstitutional and should have been pursued through a constitutional amendment placed before voters.

So they supported the bill and voted for it then decided it was unconstitutional. Lol.