Stormy storms back

VitaMan's Avatar
Stormy Daniels wins a court case against her former lawyer.

In case you don't remember the name, Daniels became a household name after she received $130,000 in hush money from Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Politicians have short memories for things they don't want to remember.
... We know who she is, mate.
How could we forget?

Though it surely seem that her half-a-mo
of fame is all gone... But maybe she can
audition for hosting a news programme
on CNN... They can call it "under the desk".

... She's the one who may still owe Trump's legal team
their fees. ... Maybe she can use the money $$$$
she should now get from Avenatti.

And Avenatti should soon be on his merry way back to jail.

... A "WIN-WIN" ...

#### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
That Animal is only out of jail, due to Covid. You and I wouldn't get special treatment.
Since Michael Avennati is back in the news, it is only fitting that we once again see the Main Stream Media make total asses of themselves gushing over “their Beast”

Chung Tran's Avatar
That guy was actually a real, if brief Presidential candidate. He makes Spiro Agnew look like Robert F. Kennedy.
That guy was actually a real, if brief Presidential candidate. He makes Spiro Agnew look like Robert F. Kennedy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And he made all of those News Anchors look like the total fools that they are.
Chung Tran's Avatar
And he made all of those News Anchors look like the total fools that they are. Originally Posted by Jackie S
He sure did. The black out of Guiliani today, is nothing like what happened with Avenatti. He went from new Democrat Hero/attack dog/media Darling, to ostracized in no time. Those news anchors had mud all over them. We have not, and will not forget!
He sure did. The black out of Guiliani today, is nothing like what happened with Avenatti. He went from new Democrat Hero/attack dog/media Darling, to ostracized in no time. Those news anchors had mud all over them. We have not, and will not forget! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
... Too right, mate.

This loss was ALL OVER the news. Remember his Kavanaugh bit?
"I got a witness that ya gotta believe.."

Then the witnesses claims against him surely collapsed
like a tin shithouse roof.

But no matter... Kavanaugh has been a sad disappointment
as a conservative, anyway...

Surely agree that WE would not get special treatment
and outta jail like Avenatti is getting.

He prolly owes the "Nike people" 3 years jail time
and should get two years also for what he did to Stormy.

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Too right, mate.

This loss was ALL OVER the news. Remember his Kavanaugh bit?
"I got a witness that ya gotta believe.."

Then the witnesses claims against him surely collapsed
like a tin shithouse roof.

But no matter... Kavanaugh has been a sad disappointment
as a conservative, anyway...

Surely agree that WE would not get special treatment
and outta jail like Avenatti is getting.

He prolly owes the "Nike people" 3 years jail time
and should get two years also for what he did to Stormy.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
You think you deserve special treatment and outta jail like Avenatti got?

Sounds like you’re a wee bit jealous, mate.
adav8s28's Avatar
I wonder if she was being truthful about the Trumpster. She can be on the Apprentice in return for a hookup. Plus she gets to know what the projects are ahead of time so she can prepare. Not exactly pay for play but pretty close.
winn dixie's Avatar
only simps get caught up on hookers.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Wasn't he supposed to be the future face of the entire DNC and presidential contender? I mean after they elevated him to sainthood and all? Guessing they shit-canned the statues of him that were in the works too. Plus, ripping off a hooker is pretty low-class to begin with.

Welp... I guess he is suitably and officially canceled.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whoever said that? I sure didn’t. Nobody ever voted for him. The crazies only seem to get elected by GOP voters, for the most part.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
And he made all of those News Anchors look like the total fools that they are. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh, lets be complete. It wasn't just news anchors, it was the democrats in general who thought he was the kind of man who could run for president. Considering the Biden problem, the democrats may be on to something.
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump doesn't give away money, but he did give away $ 130,000 to Stormy.....through his lawyer, of course.