Trump’s incendiary Texas speech may have deepened his legal troubles, experts say

Yssup Rider's Avatar
How many of you were there?

According to someone on here, there were 80,000 people lapping up his seditious bullshit.

If you were one of them, please explain your feelings when he called for a new round of massive protests.

Meanwhile, the GOP will suffer and no doubt blow it's chance to recover from the damage caused by this malignant ass clown.

Trump’s incendiary Texas speech may have deepened his legal troubles, experts say
Promising pardons for insurrectionists and calling for protests if indicted could help make a case for obstruction of justice

Donald Trump’s incendiary call at a Texas rally for his backers to ready massive protests against “radical, vicious, racist prosecutors” could constitute obstruction of justice or other crimes and backfire legally on Trump, say former federal prosecutors.

Trump’s barbed attack was seen as carping against separate federal and state investigations into his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results and into his real estate empire.

Trump’s rant that his followers should launch the “biggest protests” ever in three cities should prosecutors “do anything wrong or illegal” by criminally charging him over his efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s victory, or for business tax fraud, came at a 30 January rally in Texas where he repeated falsehoods that the election was rigged.

Legal experts were astonished at Trump’s strong hints that if he runs and wins a second term in 2024, he would pardon many of those charged for attacking the Capitol on 6 January last year in hopes of thwarting Biden’s certification by Congress.

Former Nixon White House counsel John Dean attacked Trump’s talk of pardons for the rioters as the “stuff of dictators”, and stressed that “failure to confront a tyrant only encourages bad behavior”.

Taken together, veteran prosecutors say Trump’s comments seemed to reveal that the former president now feels more legal jeopardy from the three inquiries in Atlanta, Washington and New York, all of which have accelerated since the start of 2022.

Trump’s anxiety was palpable when he urged supporters at the Texas rally to stage “the biggest protests we have ever had in Washington DC, in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere,” should any charges be brought, a plea for help that could boomerang and create more legal problems for the former president.

Dennis Aftergut, a former federal prosecutor who is of counsel to Lawyers Defending American Democracy, told the Guardian that Trump “may have shot himself in the foot” with the comments. “Criminal intent can be hard to prove, but when a potential defendant says something easily seen as intimidating or threatening to those investigating the case it becomes easier,” Aftergut said.

Aftergut added that having proclaimed “his support for the insurrectionists, Trump added evidence of his corrupt intent on January 6 should the DoJ prosecute him for aiding the seditious conspiracy, or for impeding an official proceeding of Congress”.

Likewise, a former US attorney in Georgia, Michael Moore, said Trump’s comments could “potentially intimidate witnesses and members of a grand jury”, noting that it is a felony in Georgia to deter a witness from testifying before a grand jury.

Trump “is essentially calling for vigilante justice against the justice system. He’s not interested in the pursuit of justice but blocking any investigations”, Moore added.

Trump’s angry outburst came as three investigations by prosecutors that could lead to charges against Trump or top associates all seemed to gain steam last month.

A special grand jury, for example, was approved in Atlanta focused on Trump’s call to Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger on 2 January last year, asking him to just “find” enough votes to block Joe Biden’s Georgia victory, a state Trump lost by more than 11,700 votes.

Trump’s call for huge protests prompted the Fulton county district attorney, Fani Willis, who is leading the criminal inquiry, to ask the FBI to compile a threat assessment to protect her office and the grand jury that is slated to meet in May.

Last month too, a top justice official revealed that the DoJ is investigating fake elector certifications declaring Trump the winner in several states he lost, a scheme reportedly pushed by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani by which vice-president Mike Pence could block Congress from certifying Biden’s win. To Trump’s chagrin, Pence rejected the plan.

Further, the New York state attorney general last month stated in a court document that investigators had found evidence that Trump’s real-estate business used “fraudulent or misleading” asset valuations to obtain loans and tax benefits, allegations Trump and his lawyers called politically motivated.

Ex-prosecutors say that Trump’s Texas comments are dangerous and could legally boomerang, as the prosecutors appear to have new momentum.

“Our criminal laws seek to hold people accountable for their purposeful actions,” Paul Pelletier, a former acting chief of the fraud section at the DoJ, said. “Trump’s history of inciting people to violence demonstrates that his recent remarks are likely to cause a disruption of the pending investigations against him and family members.”

Pelletier added: “Should his conduct actually impede any of these investigations, federal and state obstruction statutes could easily compound Mr Trump’s criminal exposure.”

Trump’s remarks resonated especially in Georgia, where former prosecutors say he may now face new legal problems.

Aftergut noted that Willis understood the threat when she quickly asked the FBI to provide protection at the courthouse, and he predicted that the immediate effect on the deputy DAs working on the case would be “to energize them in pursuing the case”.

In a similar vein, Norm Eisen, a former diplomat and the States United Democracy Center co-chair said Trump’s call for protests in Atlanta, New York and Washington if prosecutors there charge him, “certainly sounds like a barely veiled call for violence. That’s particularly true when you combine it with his other statements at the Texas rally about how the last crowd of insurrectionists are being mistreated and did no wrong.”

In addition, congresswoman Liz Cheney, the co-chair of the House panel investigating the 6 January Capitol assault by Trump followers, has stated that Trump’s talk of pardons and encouraging new protests suggests he would “do it all again, if given the chance”.

On another legal front, Aftergut pointed out that some Trump comments at the rally might help prosecutors at the DoJ expand their inquiry. He said: “Trump handed federal prosecutors another gift when he said that Mike Pence should have ‘overturned the election’.”

Some veteran consultants say Trump’s latest attacks on prosecutors shows he is growing more nervous as investigations appear to be getting hotter.

“Trump’s prosecutor attacks are wearing thin with the broad Republican electorate,” said Arizona Republican consultant Chuck Coughlin. “He’s trying to whip up the base for his personal gain. This is another iteration of Trump’s attacks on the government.”

From a broader perspective, Moore stressed that Trump’s multiple attacks on the legal system at the Texas rally represent “just another erosion of the norms of a civilized society by Trump. The truth has taken a back seat to Trumpism.”
lustylad's Avatar

Did he follow Biden’s playbook and compare his opponents to Jim Crow, Bull Connor and George Wallace - when all 3 were loyal, card-carrying members of his OWN racist dim-retard party?
VitaMan's Avatar
Trump just can't admit to himself he lost the 2020 election.

HIstorians in 2120 will write the accurate picture of Mr. Trump.
Trump just can't admit to himself he lost the 2020 election.

HIstorians in 2120 will write the accurate picture of Mr. Trump. Originally Posted by VitaMan
You won't be around to read it and either will Trump and by that time nobody will give a shit because worse things will have already have happened to this country.
A "Q'er" bedtime story:

NEW YORK—Real estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump reportedly stood before his bedroom's full-length mirror Wednesday morning and stared forlornly at his aged, shriveled penis before getting dressed and leaving his residence in Manhattan's Trump Tower to start the day.

According to reports, the 66-year-old had laid his suit out on his bed and was preparing to step into a pair of silk boxer shorts when he glimpsed his deteriorating body in the mirror. Trump then spent approximately 15 to 20 minutes morosely reflecting on his appearance, dedicating most of that time to gazing at his desiccated sexual anatomy and contemplating its all-but-total lack of function.

"God, look at this thing," said a dejected Trump, hoisting up a large quantity of belly flab with his forearm to make his stunted organ visible. "Pitiful."

Trump, who in just over an hour would be appearing on the morning show Fox And Friends to assert that the president of the United States was not an American citizen, is said to have grasped the bulb of his penis with his thumb and forefinger and stretched the organ to its full 3-inch length before letting it go and leaving it to loll on an unruly tangle of mostly gray pubic hair. Noticing the pronounced droop of his scrotum, Trump glumly cupped his testicles in his hand and lifted them several inches until they reached the approximate height at which they had hung in his youth and even into early middle age.
Precious_b's Avatar
Trump just can't admit to himself he lost the 2020 election.

HIstorians in 2120 will write the accurate picture of Mr. Trump. Originally Posted by VitaMan
Sad. He was proof that you could have a minority of popular votes and still get into office. Should have stuck to the 2016 game plan. He's just shooting himself in the foot with everything that is coming out about his actions on the 2020 election.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Trump just can't admit to himself he lost the 2020 election.... Originally Posted by VitaMan

How is Stacey's concession speech coming along? Or is she waiting on Hillary to write it?

Obviously taken with a w--i--d--e angle lens.
For perspective; Stacey is standing behind the state of Rhode Island, plastered with a giant campaign poster
winn dixie's Avatar

Thats funny
VitaMan's Avatar
How is Stacey's concession speech coming along? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Would it fit your calendar if it comes the day after Trump's concession speech ?

At least Gore and Hillary had the decency to concede. Trump ? It's been over a year now, and he keeps pumping out lies. He is a disgrace.
bambino's Avatar
Experts say……… Trump never left.
... Getting back to the original piece... WHAT do the "experts"
say about your VP Kamaila Harris - who, when destructive riots,
attacks, killings, burnings and lootings were going on all summer
- said that Antifa and BLM rioters "won't stop" as they looked
for justice... And even bailed-out the criminals doing the damage.

Shouldn't VP Harris be in "legal trouble" for ENCOURAGING the
damage and destruction??

Hmmmm... Reckon Not... With the "two seperate systems of justice"
here in America.

... No bleedin' wonder the Dems will get a much-deserved
SCHELLACKING in the upcoming elections.

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...At least Gore and Hillary had the decency to concede... Originally Posted by VitaMan

I thought the Supreme Court called the ball for Al Gore. Pelosi and Schmukmer are still fighting Trump's election from 2016.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Shouldn't VP Harris be in "legal trouble" for ENCOURAGING the damage and destruction??... Originally Posted by Salty Again

Either that or prostitution charges.

bambino's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i enjoy these fervent pleadings of so-called experts like John Dean so much that i rated it 2 stars and heading down to 1.

next we'll hear from Perry Mason on Trump's many criminal statements when he makes a speech.

