How to relieve the tension in this weather

Stallion81's Avatar
With the roads impassable, what are you guys (and ladies) doing to relieve your "needs" right now? I have done it in awhile, but I almost resorted to phone sex earlier! I am so bored and horny! So ready for all this crap to melt, so I can get back to business!
Lots of sex!
Stallion81's Avatar
I would love to Tara, but I can't get out of my driveway! Miss you babe! Gotta come see ya after we get out if this mini ice-age!
  • PT4ME
  • 02-02-2011, 01:10 PM
"Skyp*-sex" works great!
Stallion81's Avatar
What about naughty texting or IM?
I am going stir crazy...I havent had any playtime is almost a week! I am making my way to the incall in the morning no matter what I cant wait to have some fun....Masturbation only works for so
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I'll take 10" of snow over ice any day but yahoo IM picture swap can be fun