Hillary Clinton is kicking major Republican @ss in the latest general election polls

Just saying my girl is on a roll and she hasn't even officially announced her candidacy. Hillary and whatever hispanic she chooses will steam roll the Reps. I'd also be ok if she chose that sexy MILF Wendy Davis. ;-)

Below is the latest cumulative polling data from real clear politics. Polls included are Fox News, ABC News, Washington Post, CNN, Opinion Research, McClatchy/ Marist, Bloomberg, and Quinnipiac.

She's tralloping the Republican field by extremely wide margins. It's almost embarrassing:

Clinton vs. Bush = Clinton +9.2

Clinton vs. Christie = Clinton +9.2

Clinton vs. Rand Paul = Clinton +10.5

Clinton vs. Huckabee = Clinton + 14.4

Clinton vs. Cruz = Clinton +15.4

Clinton vs. Rubio = Clinton +11.5

Here's my source data / graphics:

This is all very good stuff. We need to turn that Supreme Court Liberal/ Progressive.

I'm well aware these numbers will tighten but the good news is they will likely only tighten to within 5 points giving her a comfortable margin of victory. If Obama's approval rating stays where it is or even improves based on latest trends then she'll win in a landslide as the numbers predict.
Read the polling data and weep ok Troll. Lol
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-16-2015, 05:09 PM
So, IIFFy, while I am distraught at the thought of 8 more Clinton years, and I am annoyed at the collection of dirty minded advisors she seems to be collecting around her, I find it little reason for mirth.

And I would have thought that seeing Teddy C as the worst performing of the Reps would also result in less joviality on your part. Have all your dumb posts really been a ploy to make fools of the RWWs? If so, splendidly done my boy. Splendid. Unfortunately.

Won't the Reps nominate a rational candidate who actually has a chance to win? That would be a nice change after three decades or so.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Hey Whirlaway American voters are Trending Hillary!!!!!
Hey Whirlaway American voters are Trending Hillary!!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Originally Posted by bigtex
So you've reaffirmed your hand picked selection of Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democratic National Convention Presidential Nominee bigkotex?

Or are you waiting for WTF to call you and tell you the timeline?

(bigkotex smilicons added for emphasis)

BTW, my recollection is that this time in 2007 America was Trending Hillary...For What It's Worth!
So, IIFFy, while I am distraught at the thought of 8 more Clinton years, and I am annoyed at the collection of dirty minded advisors she seems to be collecting around her, I find it little reason for mirth.

And I would have thought that seeing Teddy C as the worst performing of the Reps would also result in less joviality on your part. Have all your dumb posts really been a ploy to make fools of the RWWs? If so, splendidly done my boy. Splendid. Unfortunately.

Won't the Reps nominate a rational candidate who actually has a chance to win? That would be a nice change after three decades or so. Originally Posted by Old-T
When I care what a carpet bagging Ozombie, like you say's Old-Trichinosis (parasite) it will be a cold day in hell.

gfejunkie's Avatar
She has to win the nomination first.

As i recall the last time out, a skinny black guy came out of nowhere and creamed her in the primaries.
So you've reaffirmed your hand picked selection of Hillary Clinton as the 2016 Democratic National Convention Presidential Nominee? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I'm just sitting back and enjoying a box of while watching the Idiot Klan's, errrrr Clan's head at the mere mention of Hillary's name.

Entertainment at its finest!

As for me personally, I have hopped on the Jim Webb For President bandwagon!

RedLeg505's Avatar
Just saying my girl is on a roll and she hasn't even officially announced her candidacy. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Zanzi.. weren't you and the other Hillary Shills all going on and on in 2006 how Hillary "had it locked up" and was "guaranteed" the Dem Nod for 2008?

What happened?
I'm just sitting back and enjoying a box of while watching the Idiot Klan's, errrrr Clan's head at the mere mention of Hillary's name.

Entertainment at its finest!

As for me personally, I have hopped on the Jim Webb For President bandwagon!

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?...light=jim+webb Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes, run, Ma Clinton, run! That's not anyone's head exploding, that's you farting. It is probably very entertaining for you. BTW, how is Jimmy doing in the polls?

As for me personally, I have...
<==You aren't at Cougar High any more, no need to pad your essays.

Zanzi.. weren't you and the other Hillary Shills all going on and on in 2006 how Hillary "had it locked up" and was "guaranteed" the Dem Nod for 2008?

What happened? Originally Posted by RedLeg505
It was found out that she "lost focus" and voted for the Iraq war! Because she believed there were WMDs there! FACT!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What difference does it make?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Wait until she starts campaigning and opens her mouth.

You Libs are stuck with her.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What happened to that sure thing back in 2008?