Oklahoma City Photography

ActuallyMarcAntony's Avatar
I am in OKC and am looking to expand my photography exerperience. I have 8 years of photography exerperience, but have just started branching into boudoir/pin-up work. I would love to help any OKC area providers with their photography needs. I am willing to do the first few shoots for free as I build my portfolio. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you are interested or want more information.

Here are a couple samples of a recent shoot (shared by provider's permission).

Randall Creed's Avatar
More power to you if you can motivate THIS region into some shoots.
ActuallyMarcAntony's Avatar
No action for you either?
Randall Creed's Avatar
Tried many moons ago to get something going when I lived out there. Did a couple shoots, but nothing ever took off.

They love selfies too much. Says they are 'more real'

This place and many of its occupants fancy themselves as better than [the former] BP, Craiglist, and other 'lower level' sites, but pics between all of them look pretty much the same.

Oh, well. It is what it is.