Joe's Big Boo Boo today

Joe Biden just said that Capitol Police Officer William Evans died as a result of "threats by these sick insurrectionists."

Officers Evans was killed by a black Nation of Islam supporter who rammed him with a car.

Capitol Police Officer William Evans died was killed by a Nation of Islam terrorist a full THREE MONTHS after January 6.

I laugh out loud, but deep down, I cry a little. What a disaster.
Joe is a lifetime politician who has spent his entire life lying and now he's just an embarrassment
The USA deserves much better. Ask yourself, will you do it again?
"insurrection" LOL no one has been charged with Insurrection
Joe Biden just said that Capitol Police Officer William Evans died as a result of "threats by these sick insurrectionists."

Officers Evans was killed by a black Nation of Islam supporter who rammed him with a car.

Capitol Police Officer William Evans died was killed by a Nation of Islam terrorist a full THREE MONTHS after January 6.

I laugh out loud, but deep down, I cry a little. What a disaster.
Joe is a lifetime politician who has spent his entire life lying and now he's just an embarrassment
The USA deserves much better. Ask yourself, will you do it again?
"insurrection" LOL no one has been charged with Insurrection Originally Posted by RocketSled
Goes to show ya how knowledgeable Joe Biden is on current events around the nation, lol.
Hell, he’s just reading what is on the TelePrompter.
Which means whom ever is programming the TP is a moron as well.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well .. there's always Joey's big boo boo tomorrow ...

Hell, he’s just reading what is on the TelePrompter.
Which means whom ever is programming the TP is a moron as well. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Or just a good sense of humor, lol.
ICU 812's Avatar
The Big Blie just gets bigger.

With all the distortion, misrepresentation and outright fabrications surrounding the events of Jan 6th, 2020, historians and politicval scientists fifty years from now will be hard pressed to understyand what actually happened.

BTW: What ever happened to that guy who was shown on multiple videos urging protesters to " . . .go into the Capitol . . .", both on Jan 5th and Jan 6th? Has he ever been charged wirth inciting a riot?
ICU 812's Avatar
Harris is President? He did it again!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden’s brain is mush. I feel bad for him, and disdain for his elder abusing family who convinced him to run for President.
Precious_b's Avatar

BTW: What ever happened to that guy who was shown on multiple videos urging protesters to " . . .go into the Capitol . . .", both on Jan 5th and Jan 6th? Has he ever been charged wirth inciting a riot? Originally Posted by ICU 812
Got a picture of him?
The FBI site should have it and they've given the status for those they identify.
ICU 812's Avatar
Biden’s brain is mush. I feel bad for him, and disdain for his elder abusing family who convinced him to run for President. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I completely agree with that statement. President Biden has been, and is being, used by those around him, and his handlers are being facilitated by Mr. Biden's close family.

What medications do "they" give him that enable him to behave so "normally" at times, but that at other times leaves him obviously incoherent?

Leaving policy and politics aside, we are seeing a health-related tragedy progress in slow motion. President Reagan had noticeable cognitive problems in his second term. It may be that he really should have stepped down for health reasons. I don't think President Biden should have ever run in the first place . . .for health reasons.