food for thought

I was thinking say a provider can average a dick a day 200 an hour....1000 a week.. 52000 a year tax free... that's like making at 75-80k pretaxes ... how can all these providers around here look like they are averaging 1 dick a week lol....but seriously how many clients you think some of these girls average a week...if you do the math at the very fair rate of 200 an hr....1000 a week isn't a far stretch if multi talented... or maybe the client base isn't here... I like to hear Sarah summers average client base in her prime or even now....what I basically saying is ... 90 percent of them must have Edit The Dr because they are not dressing up in channel and Michael kors and staying at the Hamptons lol....
Various expenses against that.. Edit The Dr Then add in cost of living in motel and very large cut handlers take and other expenses unique to that lifestyle. Fact that most of the local providers should tell anyone financial state. Tough life and this just one of many aspects...
Rent, utilities, food, lube, condoms, etc. Travel, car, hotel, food... Cell phone, food, the other cell phone, more food... let's face it, the ladies that aren't Edit The Dr feeding are still feeding.

Some of them get it and do fairly well, though! Just not a lot of them... sigh...
  • NoCSM
  • 01-12-2021, 07:26 AM
They dollar cost average their money into a Vanguard index fund that tracks the Standard and Poor's 500. They will be millionaires soon enough.
bingo, the ones that have their shit together live quite well. They are few and far between
Mr.Random's Avatar
Providers that have their shit together are as rare as spotting and to those that do have it together.. i commend you.. i'm sure it takes a healthy dose of discipline! As for the majority of girls.. the cash you hand them and when they're finished with you; goes right into someone else's hand to fuel demons.. that's the #1 priority before anything else! Food, clothing or even rent take a back seat. The girls know so many ppl; they can always find someone to stay with temporarily if needed. Clothes and food can always be had by dudes that get emotionally attached.. they know what they can get out of someone. But, unfortunately it's Edit The Dr that consume most of any finances received.. sad; but undoubtedly true!
Actually had one Bigfoot where I used to live, was even a small alternative newspaper or internet article on here.
I personally never saw her, but had very good reviews. Older, maybe late 40s early 50s, owned own home in suburbia, very rarely advertised as didn't need to. Said only took 1 client per day for 3/he and only did hours. Supposedly had saved up well into the 6 figures n had been around forever. So must have known the right people locally n smart enuf to save her guess is only ones around here might be some of the travelling providers who charge upscale prices n have to keep themselves up to command those $ level. Just a tough life on so many levels...
  • NoCSM
  • 01-16-2021, 12:07 PM
Remember Jamie Lee Curtis in Trading Places? She invested all her money from hooking in Government bills and bonds with the explicit purpose of retiring comfortably and early, lol.