Howdy strangers. Here's the update you've been crawling up my ass for. Better late than never.

LovingKayla's Avatar
I have been unable to return messages for months. I quietly withdrew from the hobby April 14,2014 to care for my father who was dying of cancer. He died June 10. The memorial was June 21. Then my gramma took a turn for the worse and I drove to lake Jackson 3 weeks in a row. She died July 16. July 31, 2014 my house was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, killing my German Shepard and my cat, trouble. All humans survived but we lost everything. Considering how we'd just brought a lot of my grandmothers things back, and they burned, makes this a considerable tragedy.

You'd think I would just be a wreck right now, but I'm not. I'm a little scattered but otherwise just fine.

I don't need any help. I've got it all covered. I just wanted y'all to know what happened. I imagine the board has changed quite a bit and I may be talking to a bunch of people that have never even heard of me. But if my friends out there read this, know that I love you and I'm working toward coming back to the hobby. It's a 50-50 shot that I will ever return. In the mean time enjoy your life like never before. Each breath is precious. Every time you get to love on your dog and pet the cat is an irreplaceable moment you will either seize or lose forever.

I've learned the value of time. There really does come a time called to late.

Create an incredible day.
time4play's Avatar
Holy Shit Batman !

That is a lot of stuff for a person to endure in such a short period of time. Please accept our condolences for your loss. Our prayers will be with you.

Best of luck in whichever path you choose.
LK, sorry for all the troubles you have had. My condolences on the loss of loved ones.
aubie79's Avatar
LK....we've not had the pleasure of meeting but my condolences and best wishes to you moving forward.
playerplano's Avatar
I'm so sorry for your losses even though you say you are OK it has to be overwhelming. I'm certain there will many prayers for you and as they say time heals. I have an awesome therapist I can recommend when you feel ready for something like that.

Remember all the good times and love you shared even when you are crying.
DallasDoc's Avatar
Kayla honey, I'm so sorry for your losses. You are a wonderful person, my prayers are with you and your family.
You are missed.
MagicFingers's Avatar
Haven't had the pleasure of meeting, but my heart goes out to you. Any one of those experiences would be enough for most of us to go through.
WalkerTx's Avatar
Kayla, thanks for the update and I'm sorry for what you've been going thru. If you do come back, I'm guessing you'll be booked solid ! All the best...
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Baby, if you need anyone to talk to, let me know and I'll come running.

That one day I saw you and what you did ! You set a standard that's never been duplicated or matched EVER !
pyramider's Avatar
Kayla needs to post some loving taint photos.
rcg001's Avatar
Bless you dear child.
My heart goes out to you.

Thank you for turning it into a positive message for the rest of us. I hope things start to take a turn for the better. Carpe diem.
lgbsfu's Avatar
Man thats a lot to deal with in a short period of time. You say you are ok but maybe it just has not
hit you yet. Take a break, reflect, remember the good things. Take care of you.
Bless you and yours.
If you like things like Six Flags, just check the season pass holders take a friend for free day. I have the season pass part covered. Nothing like wind in the air from some crazy roller coasters to forget about your worries for a day.
Sorry to hear of your troubles LK! you're a beautiful, strong woman, hang in there, we ALL love you!