when was the last time a striking beauty knocked you on your ass?

yesterday, I had to check out pricing at a local store. as I walked through the doors I was met by the most attractive blue eyed blond I've ever met. like a dodo I was frozen trying to find the words for what I was looking for. she looked me over and I could tell she liked what she saw. that girl is still on my mind. just beautiful.
Slip a $20 in her bra and see what happens :-)
cubsoxbull's Avatar
A few weeks ago, I stopped in one of the local stores to buy some lottery tickets, and noticed this beautiful lady behind the counter who usually isn't there. I asked for $10 dollars worth of power ball quickpicks and she said oh you get a free t-shirt for that, we are having a promotion right now. She says I have some in my van so let's go get one. She was being nice and said what size ( she knew I was an xtra-large), but I went along. To be honest the only reason I wanted the t-shirt was to be able to watch her sexy body walk to the van. LOL She had a beautiful smile and gave me the t-shirt and I was on my way.

Two weeks later, I stop in another local store, and I couldn't believe it, she was there and remembered me. I said okay, how about $10 worth of power ball quickpicks, she said oh I have to give you another t-shirt. We walk to her van, and let me tell you this is one beautiful lady. She hands me three t-shirts and says well hopefully I can meet you in Austin if you win the jackpot.

Well, I didn't win the jackpot, but I have four power ball t-shirts(LOL) and a big case of blue balls.

Sure hope, I can run into her again, one of the prettiest ladies I have ever seen
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
I got this beautiful mexican lady on my mind right now myself, her name is Sabrina. Like you described mayday, she also does me the same way when I see her. I come to the store thinking of what I want to say, but when it's time to talk the little insecure man in my head doesn't want the possible rejection. So I clam up, and keep the regret. I can usually talk to women, but thats only because I want something(time and ass). But I just want HER, badly. She's nothing that I would have envision myself falling for, but this shit feels so damn right. Now becasue of her I'm thinking of love and shit. The type of love where I can overcome the superficial and let go my desire for "perfect". I'm even typing out some thoughts and a blog entry about kissing a past love and her bad breath right now. I'm just feeling real lovey-dovey, ehh whatever this isn't the site for my fucking crazy thoughts.

So to answer your question .. about a 2 weeks ago at the walgreens she works at. and she will be mine.

If you see that lady again, and if it's ass you want tell her some shit you'd think she would want to hear. Lie your ass off and bang her.

If it's that "love" shit, just love the moment enough to overcome yourself and tell her what's on you mind. Go get her man.
Mr No Confidence's Avatar
yesterday, I had to check out pricing at a local store. as I walked through the doors I was met by the most attractive blue eyed blond I've ever met. like a dodo I was frozen trying to find the words for what I was looking for. she looked me over and I could tell she liked what she saw. that girl is still on my mind. just beautiful. Originally Posted by mayday
Oh yea I forgot to ask: ..

What is it you'd want from her? just ass?

Curious, that's all.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I was at Shuck & Jive in Addison the other night and saw this gal seated at one of the tables. Dark straight hair to her shoulders, as far as I could tell, blue eyes. My fav combo. Hair was very nicely styled.

Guy she was with looked like some wanna be rocker or maybe a washed up band roadie. I kept thinking, how did he score that hottie!

Another guy and girl kept coming over and sitting down but I kept trying not to stare at this hottie for some reason I just kept looking!

As my friend and I finally got our food and another round, I considered sending a drink to her table. I was thinking, who gives a shit if the roadie gets pissed that someone is buying her a drink.

I had a feeling she was paying the tab anyway because he looked like he could barely hold a job and there was something about her body language towards this "dude"!

Even though she lit a cigarette, which seriously gave off naughty thoughts about how if a woman will suck on the end of a cigarette, most times she'll put anything in her mouth, I did deduct points for that!

I was about to order another round and was just going to tell the bartender to get her another drink;, it looked like she was drinking a mixed drink because she appeared to be getting tipsy as the drinks were being served, when she must have had to piss and tried to get up.


She was sitting there, smoking and drinking and was knocked up!

I just hope that wasn't the baby daddy trying to create another retarded kid by having his baby momma drink and smoke with him for dinner!

I ordered our round for my buddy and I and the entire fantasy faded. I won't be looking for her again.

I'm OK with a gal smoking and drinking for herself, but NOT when she is knocked up.

After that, I decided I needed to get out of there and went down the street to look at hot girls serving cold beers that WEREN"T knocked up!
sdguy08's Avatar
yesterday, I had to check out pricing at a local store. as I walked through the doors I was met by the most attractive blue eyed blond I've ever met. like a dodo I was frozen trying to find the words for what I was looking for. she looked me over and I could tell she liked what she saw. that girl is still on my mind. just beautiful. Originally Posted by mayday
mayday, I think there are still some pricing issues that need to be checked so you'll have to go back to that store again. I'm sorry you'll have to deal with a HOT blue eyed blonde again. Breaks my heart!!!
pyramider's Avatar
If she is already knocked up at least you know she does the naughty.
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 08-24-2010, 03:51 PM
I was getting my boots polished at a kiosk in an airport when this truly heavenly beauty walked by with two preteen kiddos walked by and simply took my breath away. Never before has a lady sucked the breath out of my body the way she did. We made eye contact and all I could mouth was the word "wow". She obviously saw it and you could tell in her reaction she needed that confidence boost and she smiled and her whole expression glowed in thanks. Made both of us feel great and sadly she hooked up with her much older (obviously richer) old man and as they walked away she took on last peak over her shoulder. Ahhhhhh alas but I still remember her beauty.
Sleepy363's Avatar
A brunette a couple months ago outside of one of the lounges at the Bellagio in Vegas. She was just absolutely stunning. About 5'8, very tight toned body, great natural boobs, and she was wearing a classy yet sexy black dress. Very exotic looking girl, possibly spanish or italian, but just stunning. Definitely one of the most beautiful ladies I have ever seen in my life.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
That hasn't happened to me since 10am yesterday. Hope it happens again soon...
Slip a $20 in her bra and see what happens :-) Originally Posted by Bubba3452

This is why I simply refuse to meet you for lunch at Twin Peaks anymore.