Women are really starting to piss me off

StoneCold101's Avatar
This is a post from this website

I thought this was interesting because I have heard of this but never seen anyone actually experienced this. I usually have good luck with women. The part that really intrigued me: women would marry the nice guy but fuck the tough guy. Is this accurate? Ladies what do you think?

Here is the full post from the site above

In chick flicks they always say they want a nice guy, someone to take care of them, treat them good, etc.

Even IRL they say that sh*t.

BUT in reality they always go for the bad boy, tough guys.

WHY THE FUK cant they just admit they like tough guys?

I dont know if it is because I am on a lot of Test, but women have been really pissing me off lately.

Never saying what they really want, only liking guys for status, money, looks, etc.

Also, girls always tell me that I look to intimidating with a shaved head and big muscles. WTF?
Stevensegal's Avatar
From a male point of view, I don't care about marriage. I care about having a good time.

Times are changing, and IMO you have us men to thank in my opinion. Deadbeat dads an d husbands really messed up the 20/30/40 year old women out there.

I don't know nothing about anything. I just saw how that fitness instructor was possibly having flirtous and extramarital affairs. What a beautiful couple they were.

...I dont know if it is because I am on a lot of Test, but women have been really pissing me off lately.

.... Originally Posted by StoneCold101
"A lot of Test " and/or other steroids might have a bit to do with it.

I know you're looking for a female response but I can say that the post that you posted is an immature view of men/women relations in general.