Malik Obama, Barry's brother, is voting for Trump

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Somehow a US citizen but lives in Kenya, Malik is disappointed in the performance of his brother.

Wouldn't it just be less embarassing for Obama to say that his real father is Frank Marshall Davis and he doesn't know these foreigners?
LexusLover's Avatar
Munchmasterman's Avatar

Somehow a US citizen but lives in Kenya, Malik is disappointed in the performance of his brother. Didn't you read the story the link you posted goes to?

Wouldn't it just be less embarassing for Obama to say that his real father is Frank Marshall Davis and he doesn't know these foreigners? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The link says he has lived in Washington since 1985, He was interviewed from "the Obama ancestrial home of Kogelo" by phone.

Somehow a US citizen but lives in Kenya, Malik is disappointed in the performance of his brother.

Wouldn't it just be less embarassing for Obama to say that his real father is Frank Marshall Davis and he doesn't know these foreigners? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Smart man.
LexusLover's Avatar
The link says he has lived in Washington since 1985, He was interviewed from "the Obama ancestrial home of Kogelo" by phone. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
It's always good to revisit one's roots occasionally.

At least if one can admit one's roots. Some who pretend, can't.

How OP you ignorant fuck who are the former Republican President's George W and George H Bush voting for? It sure isn't Trump. First time in history that a person running for POTUS doesn't have a single endorsement from a living president. And to add insult to injury last election GOP winner isn't supporting Trump- that in itself should scare the hell out of you. here Trump endorses Clinton- there's no way you can explain this pal- this is the reason Trump is a fraud
Guest123018-4's Avatar
So, according to the way you thinck the worst presidents ever are not supporting Trump.
I thinck Trump would be pleased.
I would be greatly concerned if Obama was supporting anybody for President, could very well be the kiss of death.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How OP you ignorant fuck who are the former Republican President's George W and George H Bush voting for? It sure isn't Trump. First time in history that a person running for POTUS doesn't have a single endorsement from a living president. And to add insult to injury last election GOP winner isn't supporting Trump- that in itself should scare the hell out of you. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
There's no living president whose endorsement is worth a shit. And the GOP establishment refusing to endorse Trump only adds to his credibility.

You really like red herrings, don't you, Lube Myass?
LexusLover's Avatar
You really like red herrings, don't you, Lube Myass? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He's just warming up for AlamoII.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The link says he has lived in Washington since 1985, He was interviewed from "the Obama ancestrial home of Kogelo" by phone. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I was so hoping someone would bring that up besides me. Thanks Munchkin for pointing out the oddity of "living" in the US and voting in the US but spending all of his time in a different country. I guess he technically meets the definition of US citizen like his brother but I doubt that he really has assimilated (just like his brother). Did you know that Malik has three wives at last count which would be illegal for a US citizen living here. Didn't know that worked differently for a Muslim living overseas. Yep, an illegal alienc aunt and you've got a regular Addams family here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this ANOTHER Obama's brother thread?
There's no living president whose endorsement is worth a shit. And the GOP establishment refusing to endorse Trump only adds to his credibility.

You really like red herrings, don't you, Lube Myass? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Watch your mouth you old fucker don't think because your elderly you can call me names and I give you a pass. As I told others I am a hot blooded Italian who doesn't take crap from anyone. You are another one of these dickwad cowards hiding behind a computer screen.
There's no way you are true hardcore republican or conservative because no true conservative would ever support Trump, Trump is a Trojan horse that has successfully infiltrated and poisoned the party I onced admired.

Trump is on record also saying that the economy tends to do better under a democrat. These are words right out of his mouth and you ass clowns continue to worship him- you dumb fucks.
Please explain how the fact that so many republicans don't endorse him is the reason it adds to his credibility? He has no credibility he's the most unqualified and inexperienced person to ever win a nomination from either party - heck even Barry had more experience than trump.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I can't respond, Lube Myass. I'm too afraid you'll beat me up!
So, according to the way you thinck the worst presidents ever are not supporting Trump.
I thinck Trump would be pleased.
I would be greatly concerned if Obama was supporting anybody for President, could very well be the kiss of death. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Then explain asshole why this is the first time EVER that a person running for POTUS didn't get a single endorsement from a living POTUS? Are you saying George H Bush was one of the worst POTUS also? If Reagan were alive he wouldn't endorse Trump either.