How do you make the change or take the plunge

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I met a young woman last night (this morning) who was just about a SW. She was saying that she has no skills to speak of and two kids. She said that she would like to get off the street because it is dangerous. I have her number and address. I intend to see her later this week and was going to broach the subject of maybe going with ECCIE. If she is interested how does she go about this? You know, getting verified, advertising, and costs.

No, I am not going into business. She offered me some money for the ride home and I turned it down. I was doing her a favor and not trying to sign her up.
CryptKicker's Avatar
The first thing she needs to do is join ECCIE. From there she needs to post a welcome ad and then get reviewed. A website would be a plus but she doesn't sound like that kind of girl.
bartipero's Avatar
She isn't 'just about a streetwalker' if you find her on the street and she tells you she would like to get off the street which is where you found her in the first place, right? And then she offers you money for the ride. In other words, be careful with your 'meeting' as something is a little off here.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There are many many ladies that got their start on the stroll in various cities around the country (and very few that will admit it). Some of them are now among the most reputable ladies on the boards nowadays. And some of them are not.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I tend to make snap judgements about people and I find that I am usually correct. This young lady is not "ghetto" as they say. She seems very sensible. If I owned a business I would consider offering her a job if she had the job skills. Since she doesn't I might be able to advise her to something that is more profitable and safer.
You can advise her into my bathtub. Then bed. :-)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Advise was the wrong word, inform her is more accurate.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sorry, she is not interested.
Sounds like something that should be posted in the "lost and found" thread on Craigslist lol.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I think of this as finding a great chef when out on the town. They work for someone else and want to make a change. You pass along information of a kitchen that is available and some seats. The rest is up to them