American Idol Upset??

LatexLover's Avatar
I watched the finale live last night and I am so disappointed that Adam didn't win. His performance with Kiss last night was AWESOME! Oh well I guess my taste in musical artist is not in line with the majority of America. Anyone care to weigh in?
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 05-21-2009, 02:53 PM
American what?
LatexLover's Avatar
American what? Originally Posted by Go4it
I guess its safe to say you are not a fan of the show?
Indiana Bone's Avatar
It was total bullshit that he didn't win, i'm beginning to think all that shit is rigged. IB
  • T-Can
  • 05-23-2009, 01:12 PM
American Idol is total bullshit anyway! And yes I do watch it but I liked them both and didn't care who won. Adam reminds me of a less talented Jeff Buckley and Kris has overall talent but does not excel in any of them. This season's American Idol was the weakest so far!

My suggestion is to create a show where they actually have to have talent besides singing - which should include songwriting and the ability to be a multi instrumentalist! The show would make contestants compose their own songs and music then be judged by a panel and of course the fans of the show as well. I would definitely sign up for that show!

That is just my opinion.
As soon as I saw Adam, weeks / months ago, i said "winner"....i really didn't think it was close for 2nd place.

Totally shocked that Kris won it....
Introuble's Avatar
Real simple explanation.

1) Adam as good as he was, is somewhat monolithic in talent as he tends to ONLY come out and sing and yell. Chris on the other hand, while arguably not as talented, is more versatile.

2) Adam is the type of guy that is real popular in "California" but is also a dime a dozen too as there are tons of cute guys like Adam in California.....not so much in the rest of the country. His popularity is IMHO more localized than the other contestants. When Danny was voted off the show, his "conservative" supporters had a choice.....conservative cute all-American Chris, or Hollywood, pretty boy (and supposedly gay) Adam. Most believe that at that point Chris won simply based upon the shift of votes from Danny to one of the other two. Chris basically cleans house on the breadbasket, all-American teenage voter. Adults also are not going to vote for Adam.

There were only 1M votes difference between Adam and Chris on the semi-finals. All Chris had to do was pick up 1M votes and he wins. He easily did that from Danny's supporters.

I agree there is possibly some manipulation of votes in the judging. But AI supposedly had doubts as to whether America was ready for a Gay winner either. Other winners waited until after the show to announce their "gayness". Adam was tagged from the beginning and was pretty obvious that he was.

Adam - better performer, over the top, limited singing ability
Chris - all-American good guy, normal boy next door, underdog, more versatile
American Idol?

Is Elvis not dead? *snaps fingers* Oh that's RIGHT! He was seen walking the local Safeway with his fried Peanut Butter and Bananna sandwich while talking to James Dean...
Introuble nailed my reaction to the winner to a T...

Adam is a theatrical performer who comes across as cold, stuck on himself and impersonal....

Chris comes across as warm hearted American that wasnt stuck on himself...