Has anybody ever really seen...

Yssup Rider's Avatar

I'm wondering if these guys really exist or if they're house shills to keep the right minded Americans on this board from actually THINKINg about anything but skank pussy.

If you've ever met these miscreants, please speak up. Otherwise, I'm going to assume that these guys were developed by interns at Disney.

TheDaliLama's Avatar

I've met WTF.
OK, that's funny. I don't care who you are.......
Assup, has something affected your memory? You've been going back and forth with him on aspd, eraps and now eccie for over ten years now.

You JUST now are wondering if he's "real?" Outstanding.

I'm wondering if these guys really exist or if they're house shills to keep the right minded Americans on this board from actually THINKINg about anything but skank pussy.

If you've ever met these miscreants, please speak up. Otherwise, I'm going to assume that these guys were developed by interns at Disney.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

I'm wondering if these guys really exist or if they're house shills to keep the right minded Americans on this board from actually THINKINg about anything but skank pussy.

If you've ever met these miscreants, please speak up. Otherwise, I'm going to assume that these guys were developed by interns at Disney.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

What are you YAPPING about, Penis Rider?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Again, I ask if any of you fuckers have seen any of those fuckers.

It's a simple question.

Well, obviously not.

I'm wondering if these guys really exist or if they're house shills to keep the right minded Americans on this board from actually THINKINg about anything but skank pussy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Weren't their pictures all in the Post Office?
LexusLover's Avatar
Weren't their pictures all in the Post Office? Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't know about the rest, but I don't have a commemorative stamp yet.

Found one of yours, BigTitsLiar ...

That would be you holding your "honey pot" for your "friends."

commemorative stamp

Originally Posted by LexusLover
How patriotic! You saved a commemorative stamp from your adopted homeland.

Speaking of which, is Canada much different today than it was when you originally defected during the mid to late 60's?
Again, I ask if any of you fuckers have seen any of those fuckers.

It's a simple question.

Well, obviously not. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Shit Eater, you keep Austin weirder than Portlandia... all by yourself.

LexusLover's Avatar
How patriotic! ...

is Canada much different today than it was when you originally defected during the mid to late 60's? Originally Posted by bigtex
I'm sorry. You have me confused with another favorite of yours ,..

But just to correct your further confusion ... he didn't hide in Canada.

You did vote for him, twice didn't you? And you actually campaigned for him?

And you voted 2x's for Obaminable, as well, didn't you?

And if Hillary is lucky enough to get on the ticket .. you'll do it again?
I'm sorry. You have me confused with another favorite of yours ,..

But just to correct your further confusion ... he didn't hide in Canada. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I never said (or even implied) that President William Jefferson Clinton hid in Canada. Furthermore, I have absolutely no reason to believe he did. Why would I think that? President Clinton has never sent me a native Canadian commemorative stamp. Quite frankly, the only person who has ever sent me a native Canadian commemorative stamp was you.

Which "who" you might as? "You" as in LexiLiar! That's who!

By the way, you did not answer the original question. You are quite good at deflecting, aren't you? I suppose another good name for you would be the Canadian Defector Deflector. It has a nice little ring to it, doesn't it?

Back to the original question (before you once again chose to deflect): Is Canada much different today than it was when you originally defected during the mid to late 60's?

I also have a couple of additional questions, when you originally defected to Canada, did they have a single payer national health plan then? If so, were you covered despite the fact that you were an American defector?

I anxiously await your responses! Over and out!
LexusLover's Avatar
I never said (or even implied) that President William Jefferson Clinton hid in Canada. Originally Posted by bigtex
Neither did I. I said .. Oxford. My recollection that's not in Canada.

Does it matter to you to what country Clinton defected in the 60's?

See there you go again. Deflecting the topic of the thread. Drinking?
Neither did I. I said .. Oxford. My recollection that's not in Canada.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're the one who first brought up Oxford, as if it was in Canada.

Apparently, it was another obvious attempt at deflection from the 60's era Defector to Canada appropriately named: LexiLiar, the Deflecting Defector.

Or would you prefer that I only address you as Coward?

Your choice, it doesn't matter to me either way!