Question on LE and sting operations

Hello all, I have a question in terms of LE (mods if I’m on the wrong forum feel free to delete) and LE sting operations. It’s no surprise LE is on here and they’re well aware of what’s going on but my question is why doesn't LE set up sting operations on all the AMPs/studios to bust johns? I’m not referring to providers, just places with a fixed location. Surely they know what’s going on in forums like these. Do they not set up frequent stings for johns due to legal reasons, financial reasons, not caring what consenting adults do or something else? I feel like a cop would walk in to any AMP/Studio or have an undercover agent and make 10 arrests with no problem. On the other hand is that even probable that a LE officer would go undercover at an AMP or police raid an AMP/studio and arrest/detain everyone on suspicion of prostitution? What exactly is stopping them from doing daily stings? I figure they have bigger fish to fry with SW/BP stings but that's just me.

Any and all comments appreciated. Yes I’m new to the AMP/Studio world so I am a paranoid newbie in that aspect so I apologize if this is redundant. And no I’m not frontman667.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 10-23-2013, 09:32 PM
And no I’m not frontman667. Originally Posted by SuperMario1
LOL. That much is obvious, at least to me.

I would be interested in any responses you get to your query.
ShysterJon's Avatar
SuperMario1: I know you're not the zombie-version of frontman667, killed but back to post again, because you write cogent prose free of absurd conspiracy theories.

Before I attempt to answer your questions, I want to make sure I understand your hypothetical. Is the following what you mean? Barney Fife reads Turgid14Inch's review of Miso Horny at the Trampled Lilly AMP. Barney goes to Trampled Lilly, walks in the front door without a warrant, and arrests everyone for "suspicion of prostitution." Is that about it?

btw, if I'm in the ballpark, what you describe is not a "sting." A sting is when LE sets a trap by having an undercover officer pose as a provider or hobbyist to entice the target to commit the offense of prostitution.
Correct ShysterJon, I actually have two hypothetical situations. One was that local PD sees various reviews of AMPs/Studios in their area. After seeing various reviews they decide to go undercover to confirm it. Once the undercover officer has been solicited they arrest the provider and/or owner of AMP/Studio. From here (hypothetically) LE then plants undercover officers to set up Johns in a typical sting operation and afterwards shut the place down.

The other hypothetical situation is where LE sees various reviews on here and uses the reviews here as probable cause(if that’s possible) to get a warrant. From there they go into the AMP/studio and detain the providers/customers while questioning them on prostitution.

In your experience, are either hypothetical scenarios likely?
jframe2's Avatar
LE is like any other business in that they have to prioritize their use of resources based on things like budget, manpower, public outcry for a particular crime, etc.

What usually gets LE interested in any of your scenarios is the public outcry and/or community standard toward the activity if you will.

There are some communities that make it known that they will not tolerate any illegal activity and they do this by contacting the LE, the Mayor and other elected officials and making their position known.

Not exactly on point to your question, but it is my 2 cents.......

Basically some communities are more liberal/tolerant and others not so much.
If you are visiting an AMP and nearby there are Hispanics hanging out on a street corner waiting for someone to pick them up for a day job. Maybe there is even a store nearby that has some video poker machines inside...

It is basically what the previous poster wrote:
"""Basically some communities are more liberal/tolerant and others not so much."""

Then there are communities like Sugar Land where the police WILL chase the pan handlers away and the usual AMP [that gives extras] does not exist
ShysterJon's Avatar
I actually have two hypothetical situations. One was that local PD sees various reviews of AMPs/Studios in their area. After seeing various reviews they decide to go undercover to confirm it. Once the undercover officer has been solicited they arrest the provider and/or owner of AMP/Studio. From here (hypothetically) LE then plants undercover officers to set up Johns in a typical sting operation and afterwards shut the place down. Originally Posted by SuperMario1
You left out a big link in your chain of events: The UC cop getting into the AMP. Prudent AMPs screen, too. Back when I was younger and more full of jism, I used to have AMPs and various other types of whorehouses as clients. I'd advise the owners and conduct seminars for the girls on how to avoid breaking the law. Another missing link in your hypothetical chain leading to a bust is the girl making an offer or accepting an offer of sex for money (you used the word "solicited," but that form of prostitution must occur in a public place, and the inside of an SOB is not a public place).

Now this doesn't mean that AMP workers and owners don't get arrested. What sometimes happens is a girl will get careless and commit prostitution with an undercover officer. The cop will get an arrest warrant and return with a cadre of men in blue to raid the house of ill repute and haul everybody off in a paddy-wagon.

The other part of your hypothetical presents a different scenario: Cops running a fake AMP. I don't see how that could be done, on a practical basis. Even if an AMP is infiltrated or shut down, the cops can't just move in to run a fake AMP. The property owner still owns the property. The DA could seek a civil forfeiture of the property as having been used in the commission of crimes, but that's a public process. I can also see P.R. problems for a PD running a whorehouse.

The other hypothetical situation is where LE sees various reviews on here and uses the reviews here as probable cause(if that’s possible) to get a warrant. From there they go into the AMP/studio and detain the providers/customers while questioning them on prostitution. Originally Posted by SuperMario1
"Probable cause" may be defined as "apparent facts discovered through logical inquiry that would lead a reasonably intelligent and prudent person to believe that an accused person has committed a crime, thereby warranting his or her prosecution." Reviews on a website aren't enough to create probable cause because of the difficulty of proving a review is authentic and because of the hearsay rule. There is a piece stickied in this forum on this topic, but the author is notoriously unreliable:

"Can a review be used as evidence in a prostitution case?"
OK that cleared a lot up for me. Thanks for your input ShysterJon

If you are visiting an AMP and nearby there are Hispanics hanging out on a street corner waiting for someone to pick them up for a day job. Maybe there is even a store nearby that has some video poker machines inside...

It is basically what the previous poster wrote:
"""Basically some communities are more liberal/tolerant and others not so much."""

Then there are communities like Sugar Land where the police WILL chase the pan handlers away and the usual AMP [that gives extras] does not exist Originally Posted by instfixer
Yeah my parents live in Southlake, no way I could see businesses like these lasting long.
LA Man's Avatar
Don't rule out that some AMO's and providers have "protection". Not rubbers, local LE that keeps other LE away or depending where they are in the force preventing officers from harassing the ladies.....
Now this doesn't mean that AMP workers and owners don't get arrested. What sometimes happens is a girl will get careless and commit prostitution with an undercover officer. The cop will get an arrest warrant and return with a cadre of men in blue to raid the house of ill repute and haul everybody off in a paddy-wagon. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
So if I go to an AMP, I am paying for a massage only - I am not paying for genital contact. But if and when genital contact occurs, that's because 2 consenting adults decided that they wanted this to occur, regardless of money having changed hands, and therefore no act of prostitution has taken place. Would that be a correct assessment?
ShysterJon's Avatar
So if I go to an AMP, I am paying for a massage only - I am not paying for genital contact. But if and when genital contact occurs, that's because 2 consenting adults decided that they wanted this to occur, regardless of money having changed hands, and therefore no act of prostitution has taken place. Would that be a correct assessment? Originally Posted by georgehentson
George, I'm afraid that your argument has been made many, many times here and on ASPD, and it's still very unpersuasive to me. Jump forward to your trial on a charge of prostitution where you're on the stand telling the jury how you went to Jing's Japanese Jack Shack looking for some consensual, free sex and you hit the jackpot with Jing. No offense to anyone here, but I've seen the type of guys that go to AMPs. The jury looks at you and they remember what Jing looked like, and they're all thinking, Uhn-uh. The jury might be so pissed off that you're wasting their time with your lame defense that they'll give you jail time rather than probation. I've seen it happen before (but not to any of my clients, thank goodness!).
per above:

There is a saying...

You cannot fool us because we are too dumb!

In Texas there are no 'bleeding heart' juries
  • CS123
  • 10-26-2013, 11:40 AM
Recently I was in the Tampa Bay area and they were busting amps. Don't know if it was because they got complaints or what caused the unwanted attention. They knew enough to know what to expect and it was reported the undercover officer was waiting until the table shower flip and for the gal to motion to massage his hard on then bust them. Evidently the officer getting naked and going through the table shower was far more than what they had done in past visits. Given the budget and mindset they could do exactly as you suggested and visit them all but not all places offer extras and I suspect they have a network just like escorts to get an alert out really fast if busts are happening or they suspect they are being set up.

As nice as reviews are I don't review any AMPs on any site. It is like hanging a target on the door. Pay your money and take your chances and if you get a HE or more then good for you and if you only get a massage not all is lost. Now if something happened that an alert would need posted I would do that. A lot of them don't screen like an escort does and I feel in return for that I need to remember the old war saying "loose lips sink ships".

Once you go to enough of them you kind of get the feel for when to drop a hint you are looking for or open to more than just the massage. They will also give you an "opening" to drop the hint. If that doesn't happen just take the massage. If you go to a place that offers table showers when they flip you over if they stay away from your privates then mind your manners. Most will either comment on your hard on, stare at it or motion with their hand for your ok to "wash" it. Or they will pay special attention to some anal play when washing your backside. If they start giving you a prostrate massage you are good to go!
jframe2's Avatar
Here is a different take, research a Full Service Provider that also provides massages. Most communities have 1 or 2 that have attended classes and really do take the massage part very seriously. And the Full Service can be very satisfying.

A financial cost-benefit analysis is that you will pay less for a Full Service Provider that includes a massage than you will end up paying in the long-run for going to an AMP, getting busted and paying legal fee's as well as the long-term repercussions; criminal record, registration as a sex offender (yes it is a possibility, not necessarily a probability as it depends on your local jurisdiction), etc, etc.

Just saying,

Good luck to ya
  • CS123
  • 10-26-2013, 07:32 PM
I would be doing exactly what jframe 2 suggested if it were an option. I see the OP has a location of Dallas where it would be an option. Thats what I get for living in an area that they want the buffalo to roam freely in again. Since I travel some I get to areas where the AMPs are and really like a massage with extras.