Ron Paul’s Antiwar Tweet Drives Neocon Warmongers Into Frenzy

SEE3772's Avatar
Kurt Nimmo

February 6, 2013

Ron Paul’s antiwar political philosophy continues to irritate neocon warheads. Photo: Gage Skidmore.

Neocons and faux conservatives have raked former Texas Rep. Ron Paul over the coals following his tweetearlier this week stating “Chris Kyle’s death seems to confirm that ‘he who lives by the sword dies by the sword.’ Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn’t make sense.”

“Ron Paul should be ashamed, should issue an apology and then he should just go away,” wrote an indignant Katie Pavlich on Townhall.

“Just unbelievable and appalling. Can someone be much more insensitive to the death to such a great American patriot?” chimed The Right Scoop.

“Chris Kyle was an American hero of the highest order,” said an aggrieved Awr Hawkins, writing for “And he used the sword because he was in the military, where his job was to keep America safe.”

Hawkins does not bother to explain how the largest and most deadly military in the world invading small backwater countries and unleashing snipers and other trained assassins to kill insurgents resisting occupation keeps America safe (in fact, it is likely to do just the opposite, as the phenomenon of blowback has repeatedly demonstrated).

Twitter was ablaze with ridicule as well. “Ron Paul might want to ask Jesse Ventura what happened last time he ridiculed a dead SEAL,” said an uninformed Lachlan Markay, apparently unaware or unwilling to accept the fact that Ventura had filed a defamation lawsuit after Chris Kyle falsely claimed he had punched out the veteran and former Minnesota governor after he supposedly made a derogatory comment about American foreign policy. Kyle allegedly engaged in the ruse to drum up promotion for his ghost written book, American Sniper.

“Grandpa’s talking to the furniture again,” a snide David Burge of the Iowahawk blog tweeted.

Glenn Beck’s website was compelled to state that Ron Paul’s own son had “seemingly backed away from his father’s controversial comments.”

Rand Paul had characterized Kyle as a “hero like all Americans who don the uniform to defend our country.”

It is no secret the junior Paul has ingratiated himself with the neocon wing that controls the Republican Party and Beck’s insinuation that trouble on the Paul home-front is at best mischievous.

Finally, in the video below, the late Jimmy Stewart’s character in the great antiwar film Shenandoah unleashes his thoughts on a dictatorial state demanding the sacrifice of citizen-subjects to its warmongering mandates. (Thanks to Daniel McAdams for the link.)

In the quotes above, we get a pretty good idea how this mentally defective mindset at the behest of the warheads has so perfectly infected the “conservative” intelligentsia who rarely go to war themselves but find it sentimentally praiseworthy when others do so to advance the imperialistic objectives of a marauding and pillaging state.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-06-2013, 04:01 PM
Our neocons are one fuc'd up lot. They want smaller government, lower taxes , yet want to invade every other country in the world!
jbravo_123's Avatar
Our neocons are one fuc'd up lot. They want smaller government, lower taxes , yet want to invade every other country in the world! Originally Posted by WTF
Also don't forget that they want government to stay out of your business except when they're using it to tell you what you to do.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ron Paul's choice of words was unfortunate, but there is no evidence to support the idea that he considered Kyle anything other than a hero. His comment was directed at the endless, undeclared wars we fight, and their consequences.

Ron Paul explains. From his Facebook page.

As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies. -REP

He would have been a TERRIFIC President!
JCM800's Avatar
PR spin
jbravo_123's Avatar
While I may disagree with Mr. Paul's policies, it always did seem to me that of all the candidates the Republican party fielded for the presidential election, he was the most genuine and actually believed in what he was saying.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-06-2013, 06:21 PM
Ron Paul's choice of words was unfortunate, but there is no evidence to support the idea that he considered Kyle anything other than a hero. His comment was directed at the endless, undeclared wars we fight, and their consequences.

Ron Paul explains. From his Facebook page.

As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event. My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle’s family. Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences. A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies. -REP

He would have been a TERRIFIC President! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you do not see me agreeing with cog very often but on this we agree
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Before I comment about your parentage and intelligence enlighten me (and the rest of us) as to what YOU think a neocon is. This should be good. WTF can try as well. He gets cranky if he is left out.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yeah, I got a few emails about my boy Dr. Paul. The reality is that what the SEAL did was some stupid shit that resulted in his death and the death of another.
This is why you do not leave the treatment of mental illness to amateurs and this is what Dr Paul was making a statement about. The live by the sword die by the sword seems more of a reference to the idea that you could take a person that has PTSD from WAR, that just got out of a mental hospital, to a shooting range because being exposed to the things that were a part of the problem would make him better. What the fuck was he thinking? Was this a MAN UP type deal?

While I have the greatest respect for our all volunteer military, just because he was a SEAL does not mean he was qualified to treat mental illness. Hey, fucked up psychotic dud the just got out of the mental ward, lets go to the range and pretend we are doing some killing.Live by the sword, die by the sword; it is not that hard to understand.