Out of the mouths of babes...

Thankfully, not all young people are buying in to the liberal indoctrination they receive in school...
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Teen Jeopardy! Contestant Wants To Be President To Bring Back ‘Competence and Accountability’

By*Noel Sheppard*| February 06, 2013 | 22:57A

Teen Jeopardy!*contestant had some harsh words for unnamed recent presidents Wednesday. Responding to host Alex*Trebek’s*question about what he’d “bring to the presidency that we haven’t had say in the last few decades,” Lexington, Kentucky, high school senior Barrett Block said, “A sense of competence and accountability.”

ALEX*TREBEK: Barrett Block is from Lexington, Kentucky, a senior at Henry Clay High School. This young man is fairly serious because he’s always dreamed of one particular ambition. And that is?
BARRETT BLOCK: Being president one day, Alex.
TREBEK: President of the United States?
BLOCK: Yes, of the United States, yes sir.
TREBEK: You really want to take on that challenge?
BLOCK: Yes. I think that I could really contribute something to our country – maybe not at this age, but, you know, in the future.
TREBEK: We understand when you get older, but what would you bring to the presidency that we haven’t had say in the last few decades?
BLOCK: Well, a sense of competence and accountability.

After some laughter and applause from the audience,*Trebek*said, “Alright…Competence and accountability. I like that.

”Maybe most importantly, Block won his semi-final match $28,001 to $100 for his nearest competitor and zero to the third place challenger. Frankly, he may be too smart to be president.