My Final Post*

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
In this, my final post*, I wish to encourage all the conservatives on here to keep up the fight for an America worth believing in, living in, and dying for in spite of all the things liberals do to ruin it. This was once a great nation, the greatest the world has ever known. It is now a sad shadow of its former self, committed to the aggrandizement of liberal thoughts, programs, and forcing it's "enlightened" thinking on a world that hates us. We have lost the will to fight and die for the freedoms our founding fathers lived for and expected us to keep going.

To everyone I have insulted, through bad language, swearing, name calling, disparaging comments, and similar ungentlemanly gestures, I hereby unreservedly apologize. Even though we still completely disagree, and I in fact truly believe your conduct and political programs are killing freedom and prosperity in the US, it was wrong of me to insult you. I should have only attacked your bad ideas. Once again, I am sorry.

Yssup Rider, it is my fault we have fought each other. I broke the truce and you had every right to condemn me, and curse me. I should never have publicly attacked a fellow Jewish person. I apologize for embarrassing you and our people.

I now fight for Israel, and Israel alone. Thanks to all the people of the United States who support us and keep us going. I will now only write one post/comment per month*.


* In the National Sandbox, except for one pro Jewish/Israeli post per month.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What a pussy.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
So it is in fact not your final post?
What a pussy. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
No shit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lying sack of shit. But if you ARE sincere, then allow me one last, post-midnight retort:

I find your behavior of late to be an embarrassment to all things God-granted... The world hates America because of xenophobic, homophobic, stiff-necked, racist fuckers like you and the asswipes you support.

You have shown you are NOT a true son of Am Yisroel but a political suckup, and your behavior has besmirched the memories of those who stood up to oppression and hatred over the centuries.

see if you can raise enough money to stay the fuck out of here permanently... I'm SURE it'll go to a worthee-worthlee causee!

Don't let the doorknob hit you where the good Lord split you.

(Anybody here REALLY this this bag of dreck is really going to leave?).

PS - apology accepted! ()
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please, JL, take your pseudo-superiority with you.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-31-2013, 11:24 PM

PS - apology accepted! () Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

JL , you will be missed, personally I never took your insults to heart. This is the Sandbox, the insult capitol of the world! Peace to you and yours!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please, JL, take your pseudo-superiority with you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, Whiny will be happy to have the ass-whole arrogant spotlight back on himself.

I thought there was a real je nais C'est quoi going on there...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please, JL, take your pseudo-superiority with you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Yeah, Whiny will be happy to have the ass-whole arrogant spotlight back on himself.

I thought there was a real je nais C'est quoi going on there...
bojulay's Avatar
Good luck, a prayer for Israel and the people of Israel.

How so many could want to do violence against a people who just want to live
in peace is one of the greatest anomalies of our time.

Oh yeah, that's how the Bible said it would be, I almost forgot.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They want to live in peace on land stolen from its residents who lived there for 2000 years. They took it from them because their "God" said it was theirs. And the amazing thing is, the world community supported this.

Yeah, I'd be pissed. I don't believe in violence, but damn right, I'd be pissed.
Personally, I kinda hate to see him go. JL added a unique perspective from the Tea Sippin' Wing-Nut's (ab)normal band of beggers, loafers, sickos, loudmouths, haters and malcontents.

Another one bites the dust? Well almost! JL did provide us with a very noticeable *. I suppose he aspires to be semi-gone but not forgotten. Since JL made his ***** laden farewell post (*****wink, wink*****) 37 minutes prior to the 1st of June, does this mean we have to wait until July to hear from him again or do we still have a hate filled *****June***** post to look forward to? It will be interesting to see how many once a month posts (*****wink, wink*****) he will make for the remainder of this year. In other words, will he be another Joe the Bloehard and come and go as he pleases, or will he just fade away into the night? Time will tell!
I am literally on pins and needles!
JCM800's Avatar
My Final Post* Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I will now only write one post/comment per month* Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
except for one pro Jewish/Israeli post per month. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
LexusLover's Avatar
They want to live in peace on land stolen from its residents who lived there for 2000 years. They took it from them because their "God" said it was theirs. And the amazing thing is, the world community supported this.

Yeah, I'd be pissed. I don't believe in violence, but damn right, I'd be pissed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So sayeth the American Indian.