Chiefsfan1 is a stalker

I don’t even know if it’ll help by putting this here but I’m just tired of this. At this point I’ve even sent proof of his stalking to other providers. He will not leave me alone since he got caught lying in a review about me (claiming I robbed him when we never met). I ended up having to get a new number right? Because even though it shows it was a fake review, he still messed with my business and my money. He’s physically stalked me at a hotel at one point and I know because he will text me “facts” (I.E if they allow late check out for example) as a way to let me know that he knows where I’m at). I realize nobody seems to care when it’s a provider being messed with but I want it somewhere where other providers can see who might not already know. His name is Shawn. He’s messaged me begging me to reach out to admins to try to get his account back (I guess he was banned for lying about me). Now he’s messaging me off different numbers every single day and really believes I won’t figure out it’s him once I verify him. The guy will not leave me alone. I have not bothered anyone, not scammed anyone, and I don’t pop off with an attitude unless I get disrespected first. This guy is extremely alarming and doesn’t understand what “no” and “leave me alone” means. I have never met the guy. I’ve never met up with him, nothing.
  • cboat
  • 08-13-2023, 05:03 PM
Sorry for your situation. Too bad there are so many people like this in all walks of life.
Y Guy58's Avatar
Yes it just shows how one asshole can mess up things on this site. You are not the only provider that has told me about him. Sorry this is happening to you.
CatMan4u's Avatar

This type of shit hurts the entire hobby seen here in Springfield there's enough miss interepation of comments and messages already it effects both sides for me I simply move on and most providers do to
Y Guy58's Avatar
Yes it does buddy no need for that stuff
Rooter's Avatar
Well its crazy the length some people go. He is obviously a liar. He has the mentality of someone who should not be involved in this hobby.
Plus the last two providers he reviewed had ads posting screenshots of the reviews with the BCD comments. Hmmm.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
Another reason a lot of A list Ladies have left the site.

He definitely has some mental issues.
I'd like one of the mods to answer why he's back with premium access and not permanently banned.
It seems like banned means something else in this case.
winn dixie's Avatar
I feel for all that have had to deal with this.
However. Eccie staff are not the hobby police. They can only deal with on site issues.
Want2cu's Avatar
I'm terribly sorry you're having to deal with this.

I have to say with regards to this individual I'm not surprised in the least. He always struck me as being a bit off.
Hey rooter
I’m confused. You’re calling this guy a nut case but in his review you sure do pile the shit on poor rayne
Rooter's Avatar
Hey rooter
I’m confused. You’re calling this guy a nut case but in his review you sure do pile the shit on poor rayne Originally Posted by jerl0817
Sorry for the confusion. I absolutely do not pile the shit on her. I originally took him at his word she was the girl working with the gal that robbed me. This seemed to even be confirmed by another member in that thread. While he was nutty in his posts I didn't know he would out right lie to me in private messages. So I do believe this was fabricated now.
She did message me asking why I was lying to which I replied several times. To which she did not feel the need to answer. Which is her prerogative. This is not heaping shit on her either.
I think I tried to set the record straight in the thread and in my personal correspondence with people. But finding out the truth when neither the liar or the provider with answer me is damn difficult to do. All I have to go on is info after the fact like the ban and such. Yes, I believe I made a mistake in believing him. But I can tell you this, I have never lied about anyone here. And yes, part of the definition of lie is you know it's untrue.
Hope this clears it up.
Rooter's Avatar
Well to be clear I only messaged her back once to which was no reply, not several times, I went back and checked. If she or anyone else is pissed I believed him, once again, that's their prerogative. Again, seeming to be confirmed by another member on that post. Do I regret that, absolutely. Have I said anything knowingly false about anyone? Hell no! Did either of them answer me back when i wanted the truth? Hell no!
As far as the original review it is locked or I would make it crystal clear I do not believe what he told me in private messages. Do I make a habit of being negative or even leaving negative reviews? Absolutely not!